SPage 512
- English Word Steerage Definition Properly, the space in the after part of a vessel, under the cabin, but used generally to indicate any part of a vessel having the poorest accommodations and occupied by passengers paying the lowest rate of fare.
- English Word Steerage Definition Direction; regulation; management; guidance.
- English Word Steerage Definition That by which a course is directed.
- English Word Steerageway Definition A rate of motion through the water sufficient to render a vessel governable by the helm.
- English Word Steered Definition of Steer
- English Word Steerer Definition One who steers; as, a boat steerer.
- English Word Steering Definition of Steer
- English Word Steering Definition a. & n. from Steer, v.
- English Word Steerless Definition Having no rudder.
- English Word Steerling Definition A young small steer.
- English Word Steersman Definition One who steers; the helmsman of a vessel.
- English Word Steersmate Definition One who steers; steersman.
- English Word Steersmen Definition of Steersman
- English Word Steeve Definition To project upward, or make an angle with the horizon or with the line of a vessel's keel; -- said of the bowsprit, etc.
- English Word Steeve Definition To elevate or fix at an angle with the horizon; -- said of the bowsprit, etc.
- English Word Steeve Definition To stow, as bales in a vessel's hold, by means of a steeve. See Steeve, n. (b).
- English Word Steeve Definition The angle which a bowsprit makes with the horizon, or with the line of the vessel's keel; -- called also steeving.
- English Word Steeve Definition A spar, with a block at one end, used in stowing cotton bales, and similar kinds of cargo which need to be packed tightly.
- English Word Steeved Definition of Steeve
- English Word Steeving Definition of Steeve
- English Word Steeving Definition The act or practice of one who steeves.
- English Word Steeving Definition See Steeve, n. (a).
- English Word Steg Definition A gander.
- English Word Steganographist Definition One skilled in steganography; a cryptographer.
- English Word Steganography Definition The art of writing in cipher, or in characters which are not intelligible except to persons who have the key; cryptography.
- English Word Steganophthalmata Definition The Discophora, or Phanerocarpae. Called also Steganophthalmia.
- English Word Steganopod Definition One of the Steganopodes.
- English Word Steganopodes Definition A division of swimming birds in which all four toes are united by a broad web. It includes the pelicans, cormorants, gannets, and others.
- English Word Steganopodous Definition Having all four toes webbed together.
- English Word Stegnosis Definition Constipation; also, constriction of the vessels or ducts.