SPage 516
- English Word Stencilling Definition of Stencil
- English Word Stenoderm Definition Any species of bat belonging to the genus Stenoderma, native of the West Indies and South America. These bats have a short or rudimentary tail and a peculiarly shaped nose membrane.
- English Word Stenodermine Definition Of or pertaining to the genus Stenoderma, which includes several West Indian and South American nose-leaf bats.
- English Word Stenograph Definition To write or report in stenographic characters.
- English Word Stenograph Definition A production of stenography; anything written in shorthand.
- English Word Stenographed Definition of Stenograph
- English Word Stenographer Definition One who is skilled in stenography; a writer of shorthand.
- English Word Stenographic Definition Alt. of Stenographical
- English Word Stenographical Definition Of or pertaining to stenography.
- English Word Stenographing Definition of Stenograph
- English Word Stenographist Definition A stenographer.
- English Word Stenography Definition The art of writing in shorthand, by using abbreviations or characters for whole words; shorthand.
- English Word Stenophyllous Definition Having narrow leaves.
- English Word Stenosis Definition A narrowing of the opening or hollow of any passage, tube, or orifice; as, stenosis of the pylorus. It differs from stricture in being applied especially to diffused rather than localized contractions, and in always indicating an origin organic and not spasmodic.
- English Word Stenostome Definition Having a small or narrow mouth; -- said of certain small ground snakes (Opoterodonta), which are unable to dilate their jaws.
- English Word Stent Definition of Stent
- English Word Stent Definition To keep within limits; to restrain; to cause to stop, or cease; to stint.
- English Word Stent Definition To stint; to stop; to cease.
- English Word Stent Definition An allotted portion; a stint.
- English Word Stente Definition of Stent
- English Word Stenting Definition An opening in a wall in a coal mine.
- English Word Stentor Definition A herald, in the Iliad, who had a very loud voice; hence, any person having a powerful voice.
- English Word Stentor Definition Any species of ciliated Infusoria belonging to the genus Stentor and allied genera, common in fresh water. The stentors have a bell-shaped, or cornucopia-like, body with a circle of cilia around the spiral terminal disk. See Illust. under Heterotricha.
- English Word Stentor Definition A howling monkey, or howler.
- English Word Stentorian Definition Of or pertaining to a stentor; extremely loud; powerful; as, a stentorian voice; stentorian lungs.
- English Word Stentorin Definition A blue coloring matter found in some stentors. See Stentor, 2.
- English Word Stentorious Definition Stentorian.
- English Word Stentoronic Definition Stentorian.
- English Word Stentorophonic Definition Speaking or sounding very loud; stentorian.
- English Word Step Definition To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession.