SPage 511
- English Word Steep-up Definition Lofty and precipitous.
- English Word Steeped Definition of Steep
- English Word Steepen Definition To become steep or steeper.
- English Word Steepened Definition of Steepen
- English Word Steepening Definition of Steepen
- English Word Steeper Definition A vessel, vat, or cistern, in which things are steeped.
- English Word Steepiness Definition Steepness.
- English Word Steeping Definition of Steep
- English Word Steepish Definition Somewhat steep.
- English Word Steeple Definition A spire; also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form. See Spire.
- English Word Steeple-crowned Definition Bearing a steeple; as, a steeple-crowned building.
- English Word Steeple-crowned Definition Having a crown shaped like a steeple; as, a steeple-crowned hat; also, wearing a hat with such a crown.
- English Word Steeplechasing Definition The act of riding steeple chases.
- English Word Steepled Definition Furnished with, or having the form of, a steeple; adorned with steeples.
- English Word Steeply Definition In a steep manner; with steepness; with precipitous declivity.
- English Word Steepness Definition Quality or state of being steep; precipitous declivity; as, the steepnessof a hill or a roof.
- English Word Steepness Definition Height; loftiness.
- English Word Steepy Definition Steep; precipitous.
- English Word Steer Definition A young male of the ox kind; especially, a common ox; a castrated taurine male from two to four years old. See the Note under Ox.
- English Word Steer Definition To castrate; -- said of male calves.
- English Word Steer Definition To direct the course of; to guide; to govern; -- applied especially to a vessel in the water.
- English Word Steer Definition To direct a vessel in its course; to direct one's course.
- English Word Steer Definition To be directed and governed; to take a direction, or course; to obey the helm; as, the boat steers easily.
- English Word Steer Definition To conduct one's self; to take or pursue a course of action.
- English Word Steer Definition A rudder or helm.
- English Word Steer Definition A helmsman, a pilot.
- English Word Steerable Definition Capable of being steered; dirigible.
- English Word Steerage Definition The act or practice of steering, or directing; as, the steerage of a ship.
- English Word Steerage Definition The effect of the helm on a ship; the manner in which an individual ship is affected by the helm.
- English Word Steerage Definition The hinder part of a vessel; the stern.