SPage 508
- English Word Steam Definition The elastic, aeriform fluid into which water is converted when heated to the boiling points; water in the state of vapor.
- English Word Steam Definition The mist formed by condensed vapor; visible vapor; -- so called in popular usage.
- English Word Steam Definition Any exhalation.
- English Word Steam Definition To emit steam or vapor.
- English Word Steam Definition To rise in vapor; to issue, or pass off, as vapor.
- English Word Steam Definition To move or travel by the agency of steam.
- English Word Steam Definition To generate steam; as, the boiler steams well.
- English Word Steam Definition To exhale.
- English Word Steam Definition To expose to the action of steam; to apply steam to for softening, dressing, or preparing; as, to steam wood; to steamcloth; to steam food, etc.
- English Word Steam engine Definition An engine moved by steam.
- English Word Steamboat Definition A boat or vessel propelled by steam power; -- generally used of river or coasting craft, as distinguished from ocean steamers.
- English Word Steamboating Definition The occupation or business of running a steamboat, or of transporting merchandise, passengers, etc., by steamboats.
- English Word Steamboating Definition The shearing of a pile of books which are as yet uncovered, or out of boards.
- English Word Steamed Definition of Steam
- English Word Steamer Definition A vessel propelled by steam; a steamship or steamboat.
- English Word Steamer Definition A steam fire engine. See under Steam.
- English Word Steamer Definition A road locomotive for use on common roads, as in agricultural operations.
- English Word Steamer Definition A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing, in cookery, and in various processes of manufacture.
- English Word Steamer Definition The steamer duck.
- English Word Steaminess Definition The quality or condition of being steamy; vaporousness; mistness.
- English Word Steaming Definition of Steam
- English Word Steamship Definition A ship or seagoing vessel propelled by the power of steam; a steamer.
- English Word Steamy Definition Consisting of, or resembling, steam; full of steam; vaporous; misty.
- English Word Stean Definition See Steen.
- English Word Steaningp Definition See Steening.
- English Word Steapsin Definition An unorganized ferment or enzyme present in pancreatic juice. It decomposes neutral fats into glycerin and fatty acids.
- English Word Stearate Definition A salt of stearic acid; as, ordinary soap consists largely of sodium or potassium stearates.
- English Word Stearic Definition Pertaining to, or obtained from, stearin or tallow; resembling tallow.
- English Word Stearin Definition One of the constituents of animal fats and also of some vegetable fats, as the butter of cacao. It is especially characterized by its solidity, so that when present in considerable quantity it materially increases the hardness, or raises the melting point, of the fat, as in mutton tallow. Chemically, it is a compound of glyceryl with three molecules of stearic acid, and hence is technically called tristearin, or glyceryl tristearate.
- English Word Stearolic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acetylene series, isologous with stearis acid, and obtained, as a white crystalline substance, from oleic acid.