SPage 258
- English Word Sight Definition A small aperture through which objects are to be seen, and by which their direction is settled or ascertained; as, the sight of a quadrant.
- English Word Sight Definition A small piece of metal, fixed or movable, on the breech, muzzle, center, or trunnion of a gun, or on the breech and the muzzle of a rifle, pistol, etc., by means of which the eye is guided in aiming.
- English Word Sight Definition In a drawing, picture, etc., that part of the surface, as of paper or canvas, which is within the frame or the border or margin. In a frame or the like, the open space, the opening.
- English Word Sight Definition A great number, quantity, or sum; as, a sight of money.
- English Word Sight Definition To get sight of; to see; as, to sight land; to sight a wreck.
- English Word Sight Definition To look at through a sight; to see accurately; as, to sight an object, as a star.
- English Word Sight Definition To apply sights to; to adjust the sights of; also, to give the proper elevation and direction to by means of a sight; as, to sight a rifle or a cannon.
- English Word Sight Definition To take aim by a sight.
- English Word Sight-hole Definition A hole for looking through; a peephole.
- English Word Sight-seeing Definition Engaged in, or given to, seeing sights; eager for novelties or curiosities.
- English Word Sight-seeing Definition The act of seeing sights; eagerness for novelties or curiosities.
- English Word Sight-seer Definition One given to seeing sights or noted things, or eager for novelties or curiosities.
- English Word Sight-shot Definition Distance to which the sight can reach or be thrown.
- English Word Sighted Definition of Sight
- English Word Sighted Definition Having sight, or seeing, in a particular manner; -- used in composition; as, long-sighted, short-sighted, quick-sighted, sharp-sighted, and the like.
- English Word Sightful Definition Easily or clearly seen; distinctly visible; perspicuous.
- English Word Sightfulness Definition The state of being sightful; perspicuity.
- English Word Sighting Definition of Sight
- English Word Sighting Definition a. & n. from Sight, v. t.
- English Word Sightless Definition Wanting sight; without sight; blind.
- English Word Sightless Definition That can not be seen; invisible.
- English Word Sightless Definition Offensive or unpleasing to the eye; unsightly; as, sightless stains.
- English Word Sightliness Definition The state of being sightly; comeliness; conspicuousness.
- English Word Sightly Definition Pleasing to the sight; comely.
- English Word Sightly Definition Open to sight; conspicuous; as, a house stands in a sightly place.
- English Word Sightproof Definition Undiscoverable to sight.
- English Word Sightsman Definition One who reads or performs music readily at first sight.
- English Word Sightsmen Definition of Sightsman
- English Word Sigil Definition A seal; a signature.
- English Word Sigilla Definition of Sigillum