SPage 255
- English Word Sidereal Definition Relating to the stars; starry; astral; as, sidereal astronomy.
- English Word Sidereal Definition Measuring by the apparent motion of the stars; designated, marked out, or accompanied, by a return to the same position in respect to the stars; as, the sidereal revolution of a planet; a sidereal day.
- English Word Siderealize Definition To elevate to the stars, or to the region of the stars; to etherealize.
- English Word Sidereous Definition Sidereal.
- English Word Siderite Definition Carbonate of iron, an important ore of iron occuring generally in cleavable masses, but also in rhombohedral crystals. It is of a light yellowish brown color. Called also sparry iron, spathic iron.
- English Word Siderite Definition A meteorite consisting solely of metallic iron.
- English Word Siderite Definition An indigo-blue variety of quartz.
- English Word Siderite Definition Formerly, magnetic iron ore, or loadstone.
- English Word Siderite Definition Any plant of the genus Sideritis; ironwort.
- English Word Siderographic Definition Alt. of Siderographical
- English Word Siderographical Definition Of or pertaining to siderography; executed by engraved plates of steel; as, siderographic art; siderographic impressions.
- English Word Siderographist Definition One skilled in siderography.
- English Word Siderography Definition The art or practice of steel engraving; especially, the process, invented by Perkins, of multiplying facsimiles of an engraved steel plate by first rolling over it, when hardened, a soft steel cylinder, and then rolling the cylinder, when hardened, over a soft steel plate, which thus becomes a facsimile of the original. The process has been superseded by electrotypy.
- English Word Siderolite Definition A kind of meteorite. See under Meteorite.
- English Word Sideromancy Definition Divination by burning straws on red-hot iron, and noting the manner of their burning.
- English Word Sideroscope Definition An instrument for detecting small quantities of iron in any substance by means of a very delicate combination of magnetic needles.
- English Word Siderosis Definition A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron.
- English Word Siderostat Definition An apparatus consisting essentially of a mirror moved by clockwork so as to throw the rays of the sun or a star in a fixed direction; -- a more general term for heliostat.
- English Word Sideroxylon Definition A genus of tropical sapotaceous trees noted for their very hard wood; ironwood.
- English Word Sidesaddle Definition A saddle for women, in which the rider sits with both feet on one side of the animal mounted.
- English Word Sidesman Definition A party man; a partisan.
- English Word Sidesman Definition An assistant to the churchwarden; a questman.
- English Word Sidesmen Definition of Sidesman
- English Word Sidewalk Definition A walk for foot passengers at the side of a street or road; a foot pavement.
- English Word Sideways Definition Toward the side; sidewise.
- English Word Sidewinder Definition See Horned rattler, under Horned.
- English Word Sidewinder Definition A heavy swinging blow from the side, which disables an adversary.
- English Word Sidewise Definition On or toward one side; laterally; sideways.
- English Word Siding Definition of Side
- English Word Siding Definition Attaching one's self to a party.