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  • English Word Sigillaria Definition Little images or figures of earthenware exposed for sale, or given as presents, on the last two days of the Saturnalia; hence, the last two, or the sixth and seventh, days of the Saturnalia.
  • English Word Sigillaria Definition A genus of fossil trees principally found in the coal formation; -- so named from the seallike leaf scars in vertical rows on the surface.
  • English Word Sigillarid Definition One of an extinct family of cryptagamous trees, including the genus Sigillaria and its allies.
  • English Word Sigillated Definition Decorated by means of stamps; -- said of pottery.
  • English Word Sigillative Definition Fit to seal; belonging to a seal; composed of wax.
  • English Word Sigillum Definition A seal.
  • English Word Sigla Definition The signs, abbreviations, letters, or characters standing for words, shorthand, etc., in ancient manuscripts, or on coins, medals, etc.
  • English Word Sigma Definition The Greek letter /, /, or / (English S, or s). It originally had the form of the English C.
  • English Word Sigmas Definition of Sigma
  • English Word Sigmodont Definition Any one of a tribe (Sigmodontes) of rodents which includes all the indigenous rats and mice of America. So called from the form of the ridges of enamel on the crowns of the worn molars. Also used adjectively.
  • English Word Sigmoid Definition Alt. of Sigmoidal
  • English Word Sigmoidal Definition Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek /.
  • English Word Sigmoidally Definition In a sigmoidal manner.
  • English Word Sign Definition That by which anything is made known or represented; that which furnishes evidence; a mark; a token; an indication; a proof.
  • English Word Sign Definition A remarkable event, considered by the ancients as indicating the will of some deity; a prodigy; an omen.
  • English Word Sign Definition An event considered by the Jews as indicating the divine will, or as manifesting an interposition of the divine power for some special end; a miracle; a wonder.
  • English Word Sign Definition Something serving to indicate the existence, or preserve the memory, of a thing; a token; a memorial; a monument.
  • English Word Sign Definition Any symbol or emblem which prefigures, typifles, or represents, an idea; a type; hence, sometimes, a picture.
  • English Word Sign Definition A word or a character regarded as the outward manifestation of thought; as, words are the sign of ideas.
  • English Word Sign Definition A motion, an action, or a gesture by which a thought is expressed, or a command or a wish made known.
  • English Word Sign Definition Hence, one of the gestures of pantomime, or of a language of a signs such as those used by the North American Indians, or those used by the deaf and dumb.
  • English Word Sign Definition A military emblem carried on a banner or a standard.
  • English Word Sign Definition A lettered board, or other conspicuous notice, placed upon or before a building, room, shop, or office to advertise the business there transacted, or the name of the person or firm carrying it on; a publicly displayed token or notice.
  • English Word Sign Definition The twelfth part of the ecliptic or zodiac.
  • English Word Sign Definition A character indicating the relation of quantities, or an operation performed upon them; as, the sign + (plus); the sign -- (minus); the sign of division Ö, and the like.
  • English Word Sign Definition An objective evidence of disease; that is, one appreciable by some one other than the patient.
  • English Word Sign Definition Any character, as a flat, sharp, dot, etc.
  • English Word Sign Definition That which, being external, stands for, or signifies, something internal or spiritual; -- a term used in the Church of England in speaking of an ordinance considered with reference to that which it represents.
  • English Word Sign Definition To represent by a sign; to make known in a typical or emblematic manner, in distinction from speech; to signify.
  • English Word Sign Definition To make a sign upon; to mark with a sign.