SPage 256
- English Word Siding Definition A side track, as a railroad; a turnout.
- English Word Siding Definition The covering of the outside wall of a frame house, whether made of weatherboards, vertical boarding with cleats, shingles, or the like.
- English Word Siding Definition The thickness of a rib or timber, measured, at right angles with its side, across the curved edge; as, a timber having a siding of ten inches.
- English Word Sidle Definition To go or move with one side foremost; to move sidewise; as, to sidle through a crowd or narrow opening.
- English Word Sidled Definition of Sidle
- English Word Sidling Definition of Sidle
- English Word Siege Definition A seat; especially, a royal seat; a throne.
- English Word Siege Definition Hence, place or situation; seat.
- English Word Siege Definition Rank; grade; station; estimation.
- English Word Siege Definition Passage of excrements; stool; fecal matter.
- English Word Siege Definition The sitting of an army around or before a fortified place for the purpose of compelling the garrison to surrender; the surrounding or investing of a place by an army, and approaching it by passages and advanced works, which cover the besiegers from the enemy's fire. See the Note under Blockade.
- English Word Siege Definition Hence, a continued attempt to gain possession.
- English Word Siege Definition The floor of a glass-furnace.
- English Word Siege Definition A workman's bench.
- English Word Siege Definition To besiege; to beset.
- English Word Siegework Definition A temporary fort or parallel where siege guns are mounted.
- English Word Siemens-Martin process Definition See Open-hearth process, etc., under Open.
- English Word Sienite Definition See Syenite.
- English Word Sienitic Definition See Syenitic.
- English Word Sienna Definition Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the raw state or burnt.
- English Word Siennese Definition Of or pertaining to Sienna, a city of Italy.
- English Word Sierra Definition A ridge of mountain and craggy rocks, with a serrated or irregular outline; as, the Sierra Nevada.
- English Word Siesta Definition A short sleep taken about the middle of the day, or after dinner; a midday nap.
- English Word Sieur Definition Sir; -- a title of respect used by the French.
- English Word Sieva Definition A small variety of the Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus).
- English Word Sieve Definition A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other. It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes.
- English Word Sieve Definition A kind of coarse basket.
- English Word Sifac Definition The white indris of Madagascar. It is regarded by the natives as sacred.
- English Word Sifflement Definition The act of whistling or hissing; a whistling sound; sibilation.
- English Word Sifilet Definition The six-shafted bird of paradise. See Paradise bird, under Paradise.