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  • English Word Publicity Definition The quality or state of being public, or open to the knowledge of a community; notoriety; publicness.
  • English Word Publicly Definition With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made.
  • English Word Publicly Definition In the name of the community.
  • English Word Publicness Definition The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale.
  • English Word Publicness Definition The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property.
  • English Word Publish Definition To make public; to make known to mankind, or to people in general; to divulge, as a private transaction; to promulgate or proclaim, as a law or an edict.
  • English Word Publish Definition To make known by posting, or by reading in a church; as, to publish banns of marriage.
  • English Word Publish Definition To send forth, as a book, newspaper, musical piece, or other printed work, either for sale or for general distribution; to print, and issue from the press.
  • English Word Publish Definition To utter, or put into circulation; as, to publish counterfeit paper.
  • English Word Publishable Definition Capable of being published; suitable for publication.
  • English Word Published Definition of Publish
  • English Word Publisher Definition One who publishes; as, a publisher of a book or magazine.
  • English Word Publishing Definition of Publish
  • English Word Publishment Definition The act or process of making publicly known; publication.
  • English Word Publishment Definition A public notice of intended marriage, required by the laws of some States.
  • English Word Puccoon Definition Any one of several plants yielding a red pigment which is used by the North American Indians, as the bloodroot and two species of Lithospermum (L. hirtum, and L. canescens); also, the pigment itself.
  • English Word Puce Definition Of a dark brown or brownish purple color.
  • English Word Pucel Definition See Pucelle.
  • English Word Pucelage Definition Virginity.
  • English Word Pucelle Definition A maid; a virgin.
  • English Word Puceron Definition Any plant louse, or aphis.
  • English Word Pucherite Definition Vanadate of bismuth, occurring in minute reddish brown crystals.
  • English Word Puck Definition A celebrated fairy, "the merry wanderer of the night;" -- called also Robin Goodfellow, Friar Rush, Pug, etc.
  • English Word Puck Definition The goatsucker.
  • English Word Puckball Definition A puffball.
  • English Word Pucker Definition To gather into small folds or wrinkles; to contract into ridges and furrows; to corrugate; -- often with up; as, to pucker up the mouth.
  • English Word Pucker Definition A fold; a wrinkle; a collection of folds.
  • English Word Pucker Definition A state of perplexity or anxiety; confusion; bother; agitation.
  • English Word Puckered Definition of Pucker
  • English Word Puckerer Definition One who, or that which, puckers.