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  • English Word Ptenoglossate Definition Of or pertaining to the Ptenoglossa.
  • English Word Pteranodon Definition A genus of American Cretaceous pterodactyls destitute of teeth. Several species are known, some of which had an expanse of wings of twenty feet or more.
  • English Word Pteranodontia Definition A group of pterodactyls destitute of teeth, as in the genus Pteranodon.
  • English Word Pterichthys Definition A genus of Devonian fossil fishes with winglike appendages. The head and most of the body were covered with large bony plates. See Placodermi.
  • English Word Pteridologist Definition One who is versed in pteridology.
  • English Word Pteridology Definition That department of botany which treats of ferns.
  • English Word Pteridomania Definition A madness, craze, or strong fancy, for ferns.
  • English Word Pteridophyta Definition A class of flowerless plants, embracing ferns, horsetails, club mosses, quillworts, and other like plants. See the Note under Cryptogamia.
  • English Word Pterobranchia Definition An order of marine Bryozoa, having a bilobed lophophore and an axial cord. The genus Rhabdopleura is the type. Called also Podostomata. See Rhabdopleura.
  • English Word Pteroceras Definition A genus of large marine gastropods having the outer border of the lip divided into lobes; -- called also scorpion shell.
  • English Word Pterocletes Definition A division of birds including the sand grouse. They are in some respects intermediate between the pigeons and true grouse. Called also Pteroclomorphae.
  • English Word Pterodactyl Definition An extinct flying reptile; one of the Pterosauria. See Illustration in Appendix.
  • English Word Pterodactyli Definition Same as Pterosauria.
  • English Word Pteroglossal Definition Having the tongue finely notched along the sides, so as to have a featherlike appearance, as the toucans.
  • English Word Pteron Definition The region of the skull, in the temporal fossa back of the orbit, where the great wing of the sphenoid, the temporal, the parietal, and the frontal hones approach each other.
  • English Word Pteropappi Definition Same as Odontotormae.
  • English Word Pterophore Definition Any moth of the genus Pterophorus and allied genera; a plume moth. See Plume moth, under Plume.
  • English Word Pteropod Definition One of the Pteropoda.
  • English Word Pteropoda Definition A class of Mollusca in which the anterior lobes of the foot are developed in the form of broad, thin, winglike organs, with which they swim at near the surface of the sea.
  • English Word Pteropodous Definition Of or pertaining to the Pteropoda.
  • English Word Pterosaur Definition A pterodactyl.
  • English Word Pterosauria Definition An extinct order of flying reptiles of the Mesozoic age; the pterodactyls; -- called also Pterodactyli, and Ornithosauria.
  • English Word Pterosaurian Definition Of or pertaining to the Pterosauria.
  • English Word Pterostigma Definition A thickened opaque spot on the wings of certain insects.
  • English Word Pterostigmata Definition of Pterostigma
  • English Word Pterotic Definition Of or pertaining to, or designating, a bone between the prootic and epiotic in the dorsal and outer part of the periotic capsule of many fishes.
  • English Word Pterotic Definition The pterotic bone.
  • English Word Pterygia Definition of Pterygium
  • English Word Pterygium Definition A superficial growth of vascular tissue radiating in a fanlike manner from the cornea over the surface of the eye.
  • English Word Pterygiums Definition of Pterygium