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  • English Word Puerperous Definition Bearing children.
  • English Word Puet Definition The pewit.
  • English Word Puff Definition A sudden and single emission of breath from the mouth; hence, any sudden or short blast of wind; a slight gust; a whiff.
  • English Word Puff Definition Anything light and filled with air.
  • English Word Puff Definition A puffball.
  • English Word Puff Definition a kind of light pastry.
  • English Word Puff Definition A utensil of the toilet for dusting the skin or hair with powder.
  • English Word Puff Definition An exaggerated or empty expression of praise, especially one in a public journal.
  • English Word Puff Definition To blow in puffs, or with short and sudden whiffs.
  • English Word Puff Definition To blow, as an expression of scorn; -- with at.
  • English Word Puff Definition To breathe quick and hard, or with puffs, as after violent exertion.
  • English Word Puff Definition To swell with air; to be dilated or inflated.
  • English Word Puff Definition To breathe in a swelling, inflated, or pompous manner; hence, to assume importance.
  • English Word Puff Definition To drive with a puff, or with puffs.
  • English Word Puff Definition To repel with words; to blow at contemptuously.
  • English Word Puff Definition To cause to swell or dilate; to inflate; to ruffle with puffs; -- often with up; as, a bladder puffed with air.
  • English Word Puff Definition To inflate with pride, flattery, self-esteem, or the like; -- often with up.
  • English Word Puff Definition To praise with exaggeration; to flatter; to call public attention to by praises; to praise unduly.
  • English Word Puff Definition Puffed up; vain.
  • English Word Puff-leg Definition Any one of numerous species of beautiful humming birds of the genus Eriocnemis having large tufts of downy feathers on the legs.
  • English Word Puff-legged Definition Having a conspicuous tuft of feathers on the legs.
  • English Word Puffball Definition A kind of ball-shaped fungus (Lycoperdon giganteum, and other species of the same genus) full of dustlike spores when ripe; -- called also bullfist, bullfice, puckfist, puff, and puffin.
  • English Word Puffed Definition of Puff
  • English Word Puffer Definition One who puffs; one who praises with noisy or extravagant commendation.
  • English Word Puffer Definition One who is employed by the owner or seller of goods sold at suction to bid up the price; a by-bidder.
  • English Word Puffer Definition Any plectognath fish which inflates its body, as the species of Tetrodon and Diodon; -- called also blower, puff-fish, swellfish, and globefish.
  • English Word Puffer Definition The common, or harbor, porpoise.
  • English Word Puffer Definition A kier.
  • English Word Puffery Definition The act of puffing; bestowment of extravagant commendation.
  • English Word Puffin Definition An arctic sea bird Fratercula arctica) allied to the auks, and having a short, thick, swollen beak, whence the name; -- called also bottle nose, cockandy, coulterneb, marrot, mormon, pope, and sea parrot.