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  • English Word Pterygoid Definition Like a bird's wing in form; as, a pterygoid bone.
  • English Word Pterygoid Definition Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pterygoid bones, pterygoid processes, or the whole sphenoid bone.
  • English Word Pterygoid Definition A pterygoid bone.
  • English Word Pterygomaxillary Definition Of or pertaining to the inner pterygoid plate, or pterygoid bone, and the lower jaw.
  • English Word Pterygopalatine Definition Of or pertaining to the pterygoid processes and the palatine bones.
  • English Word Pterygopodia Definition of Pterygopodium
  • English Word Pterygopodium Definition A specially modified part of the ventral fin in male elasmobranchs, which serves as a copulatory organ, or clasper.
  • English Word Pterygoquadrate Definition Of, pertaining to, or representing the pterygoid and quadrate bones or cartilages.
  • English Word Pteryla Definition One of the definite areas of the skin of a bird on which feathers grow; -- contrasted with apteria.
  • English Word Pterylae Definition of Pteryla
  • English Word Pterylography Definition The study or description of the arrangement of feathers, or of the pterylae, of birds.
  • English Word Pterylosis Definition The arrangement of feathers in definite areas.
  • English Word Ptilocerque Definition The pentail.
  • English Word Ptilopaedes Definition Same as Dasypaedes.
  • English Word Ptilopaedic Definition Having nearly the whole surface of the skin covered with down; dasypaedic; -- said of the young of certain birds.
  • English Word Ptilopteri Definition An order of birds including only the penguins.
  • English Word Ptilosis Definition Same as Pterylosis.
  • English Word Ptisan Definition A decoction of barley with other ingredients; a farinaceous drink.
  • English Word Ptisan Definition An aqueous medicine, containing little, if any, medicinal agent; a tea or tisane.
  • English Word Ptolemaic Definition Of or pertaining to Ptolemy, the geographer and astronomer.
  • English Word Ptolemaist Definition One who accepts the astronomical system of Ptolemy.
  • English Word Ptomaine Definition One of a class of animal bases or alkaloids formed in the putrefaction of various kinds of albuminous matter, and closely related to the vegetable alkaloids; a cadaveric poison. The ptomaines, as a class, have their origin in dead matter, by which they are to be distinguished from the leucomaines.
  • English Word Ptosis Definition Drooping of the upper eyelid, produced by paralysis of its levator muscle.
  • English Word Ptyalin Definition An unorganized amylolytic ferment, on enzyme, present in human mixed saliva and in the saliva of some animals.
  • English Word Ptyalism Definition Salivation, or an excessive flow of saliva.
  • English Word Ptyalogogue Definition A ptysmagogue.
  • English Word Ptysmagogue Definition A medicine that promotes the discharge of saliva.
  • English Word Ptyxis Definition The way in which a leaf is sometimes folded in the bud.
  • English Word Pubble Definition Puffed out, pursy; pudgy; fat.
  • English Word Puberal Definition Of or pertaining to puberty.