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  • English Word Puddled Definition of Puddle
  • English Word Puddler Definition One who converts cast iron into wrought iron by the process of puddling.
  • English Word Puddling Definition of Puddle
  • English Word Puddling Definition The process of working clay, loam, pulverized ore, etc., with water, to render it compact, or impervious to liquids; also, the process of rendering anything impervious to liquids by means of puddled material.
  • English Word Puddling Definition Puddle. See Puddle, n., 2.
  • English Word Puddling Definition The art or process of converting cast iron into wrought iron or steel by subjecting it to intense heat and frequent stirring in a reverberatory furnace in the presence of oxidizing substances, by which it is freed from a portion of its carbon and other impurities.
  • English Word Puddly Definition Consisting of, or resembling, puddles; muddy; foul.
  • English Word Puddock Definition A small inclosure.
  • English Word Pudency Definition Modesty; shamefacedness.
  • English Word Pudenda Definition The external organs of generation.
  • English Word Pudendal Definition Of or pertaining to the pudenda, or pudendum.
  • English Word Pudendum Definition The external organs of generation, especially of the female; the vulva.
  • English Word Pudgy Definition Short and fat or sturdy; dumpy; podgy; as, a short, pudgy little man; a pudgy little hand.
  • English Word Pudic Definition Of or pertaining to the external organs of generation.
  • English Word Pudical Definition Pudic.
  • English Word Pudicity Definition Modesty; chastity.
  • English Word Pudu Definition A very small deer (Pudua humilis), native of the Chilian Andes. It has simple spikelike antlers, only two or three inches long.
  • English Word Pue Definition To make a low whistling sound; to chirp, as birds.
  • English Word Pueblo Definition A communistic building erected by certain Indian tribes of Arizona and New Mexico. It is often of large size and several stories high, and is usually built either of stone or adobe. The term is also applied to any Indian village in the same region.
  • English Word Pued Definition of Pue
  • English Word Puefellow Definition A pewfellow.
  • English Word Puer Definition The dung of dogs, used as an alkaline steep in tanning.
  • English Word Puerco Definition A hog.
  • English Word Puerile Definition Boyish; childish; trifling; silly.
  • English Word Puerilely Definition In a puerile manner; childishly.
  • English Word Puerileness Definition The quality of being puerile; puerility.
  • English Word Puerilities Definition of Puerility
  • English Word Puerility Definition The quality of being puerile; childishness; puerileness.
  • English Word Puerility Definition That which is puerile or childish; especially, an expression which is flat, insipid, or silly.
  • English Word Puerperal Definition Of or pertaining to childbirth; as, a puerperal fever.