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  • English Word Propine Definition To pledge; to offer as a toast or a health in the manner of drinking, that is, by drinking first and passing the cup.
  • English Word Propine Definition Hence, to give in token of friendship.
  • English Word Propine Definition To give, or deliver; to subject.
  • English Word Propine Definition A pledge.
  • English Word Propine Definition A gift; esp., drink money.
  • English Word Propine Definition Same as Allylene.
  • English Word Propinquity Definition Nearness in place; neighborhood; proximity.
  • English Word Propinquity Definition Nearness in time.
  • English Word Propinquity Definition Nearness of blood; kindred; affinity.
  • English Word Propinyl Definition A hydrocarbon radical regarded as an essential residue of propine and allied compounds.
  • English Word Propiolate Definition A salt of propiolic acid.
  • English Word Propiolic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid (called also propargylic acid) of the acetylene or tetrolic series, analogous to propionic acid, and obtained as a white crystalline substance.
  • English Word Propionate Definition A salt of propionic acid.
  • English Word Propione Definition The ketone of propionic acid, obtained as a colorless fragrant liquid.
  • English Word Propionic Definition Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an organic acid which is produced in the distillation of wood, in the fermentation of various organic substances, as glycerin, calcium lactate, etc., and is obtained as a colorless liquid having a sharp, pungent odor. Propionic acid is so called because it is the first or lowest member of the fatty acid series whose salts have a fatty feel.
  • English Word Propionyl Definition The hypothetical radical C3H5O, regarded as the essential residue of propionic acid and certain related compounds.
  • English Word Propithecus Definition A genus including the long-tailed, or diadem, indris. See Indris.
  • English Word Propitiable Definition Capable of being propitiated.
  • English Word Propitiate Definition To appease to render favorable; to make propitious; to conciliate.
  • English Word Propitiate Definition To make propitiation; to atone.
  • English Word Propitiated Definition of Propitiate
  • English Word Propitiating Definition of Propitiate
  • English Word Propitiation Definition The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; the act of making propitious.
  • English Word Propitiation Definition That which propitiates; atonement or atoning sacrifice; specifically, the influence or effects of the death of Christ in appeasing the divine justice, and conciliating the divine favor.
  • English Word Propitiator Definition One who propitiates or appeases.
  • English Word Propitiatorily Definition By way of propitiation.
  • English Word Propitiatory Definition Having the power to make propitious; pertaining to, or employed in, propitiation; expiatory; as, a propitiatory sacrifice.
  • English Word Propitiatory Definition The mercy seat; -- so called because a symbol of the propitiated Jehovah.
  • English Word Propitious Definition Convenient; auspicious; favorable; kind; as, a propitious season; a propitious breeze.
  • English Word Propitious Definition Hence, kind; gracious; merciful; helpful; -- said of a person or a divinity.