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  • English Word Privation Definition The condition of being absent; absence; negation.
  • English Word Privative Definition Causing privation; depriving.
  • English Word Privative Definition Consisting in the absence of something; not positive; negative.
  • English Word Privative Definition Implying privation or negation; giving a negative force to a word; as, alpha privative; privative particles; -- applied to such prefixes and suffixes as a- (Gr. /), un-, non-, -less.
  • English Word Privative Definition That of which the essence is the absence of something.
  • English Word Privative Definition A term indicating the absence of any quality which might be naturally or rationally expected; -- called also privative term.
  • English Word Privative Definition A privative prefix or suffix. See Privative, a., 3.
  • English Word Privatively Definition In a privative manner; by the absence of something; negatively.
  • English Word Privativeness Definition The state of being privative.
  • English Word Privet Definition An ornamental European shrub (Ligustrum vulgare), much used in hedges; -- called also prim.
  • English Word Privies Definition of Privy
  • English Word Privilege Definition A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity not enjoyed by others or by all; special enjoyment of a good, or exemption from an evil or burden; a prerogative; advantage; franchise.
  • English Word Privilege Definition See Call, Put, Spread, etc.
  • English Word Privilege Definition To grant some particular right or exemption to; to invest with a peculiar right or immunity; to authorize; as, to privilege representatives from arrest.
  • English Word Privilege Definition To bring or put into a condition of privilege or exemption from evil or danger; to exempt; to deliver.
  • English Word Privileged Definition of Privilege
  • English Word Privileged Definition Invested with a privilege; enjoying a peculiar right, advantage, or immunity.
  • English Word Privileging Definition of Privilege
  • English Word Privily Definition In a privy manner; privately; secretly.
  • English Word Privities Definition of Privity
  • English Word Privity Definition Privacy; secrecy; confidence.
  • English Word Privity Definition Private knowledge; joint knowledge with another of a private concern; cognizance implying consent or concurrence.
  • English Word Privity Definition A private matter or business; a secret.
  • English Word Privity Definition The genitals; the privates.
  • English Word Privity Definition A connection, or bond of union, between parties, as to some particular transaction; mutual or successive relationship to the same rights of property.
  • English Word Privy Definition Of or pertaining to some person exclusively; assigned to private uses; not public; private; as, the privy purse.
  • English Word Privy Definition Secret; clandestine.
  • English Word Privy Definition Appropriated to retirement; private; not open to the public.
  • English Word Privy Definition Admitted to knowledge of a secret transaction; secretly cognizant; privately knowing.
  • English Word Privy Definition A partaker; a person having an interest in any action or thing; one who has an interest in an estate created by another; a person having an interest derived from a contract or conveyance to which he is not himself a party. The term, in its proper sense, is distinguished from party.