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  • English Word Prism Definition A solid whose bases or ends are any similar, equal, and parallel plane figures, and whose sides are parallelograms.
  • English Word Prism Definition A transparent body, with usually three rectangular plane faces or sides, and two equal and parallel triangular ends or bases; -- used in experiments on refraction, dispersion, etc.
  • English Word Prism Definition A form the planes of which are parallel to the vertical axis. See Form, n., 13.
  • English Word Prismatic Definition Alt. of Prismatical
  • English Word Prismatical Definition Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic form or cleavage.
  • English Word Prismatical Definition Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism; as, prismatic colors.
  • English Word Prismatical Definition Same as Orthorhombic.
  • English Word Prismatically Definition In the form or manner of a prism; by means of a prism.
  • English Word Prismatoidal Definition Having a prismlike form.
  • English Word Prismoid Definition A body that approaches to the form of a prism.
  • English Word Prismoidal Definition Having the form of a prismoid; as, prismoidal solids.
  • English Word Prismy Definition Pertaining to a prism.
  • English Word Prison Definition A place where persons are confined, or restrained of personal liberty; hence, a place or state o/ confinement, restraint, or safe custody.
  • English Word Prison Definition Specifically, a building for the safe custody or confinement of criminals and others committed by lawful authority.
  • English Word Prison Definition To imprison; to shut up in, or as in, a prison; to confine; to restrain from liberty.
  • English Word Prison Definition To bind (together); to enchain.
  • English Word Prisoned Definition of Prison
  • English Word Prisoner Definition One who is confined in a prison.
  • English Word Prisoner Definition A person under arrest, or in custody, whether in prison or not; a person held in involuntary restraint; a captive; as, a prisoner at the bar of a court.
  • English Word Prisoning Definition of Prison
  • English Word Prisonment Definition Imprisonment.
  • English Word Pristinate Definition Pristine; primitive.
  • English Word Pristine Definition Belonging to the earliest period or state; original; primitive; primeval; as, the pristine state of innocence; the pristine manners of a people; pristine vigor.
  • English Word Pritch Definition A sharp-pointed instrument; also, an eelspear.
  • English Word Pritch Definition Pique; offense.
  • English Word Pritchel Definition A tool employed by blacksmiths for punching or enlarging the nail holes in a horseshoe.
  • English Word Prithee Definition A corruption of pray thee; as, I prithee; generally used without I.
  • English Word Prittle-prattle Definition Empty talk; trifling loquacity; prattle; -- used in contempt or ridicule.
  • English Word Privacies Definition of Privacy
  • English Word Privacy Definition The state of being in retirement from the company or observation of others; seclusion.