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  • English Word Privy Definition A necessary house or place; a backhouse.
  • English Word Prizable Definition Valuable.
  • English Word Prize Definition That which is taken from another; something captured; a thing seized by force, stratagem, or superior power.
  • English Word Prize Definition Anything captured by a belligerent using the rights of war; esp., property captured at sea in virtue of the rights of war, as a vessel.
  • English Word Prize Definition An honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest; anything offered to be competed for, or as an inducement to, or reward of, effort.
  • English Word Prize Definition That which may be won by chance, as in a lottery.
  • English Word Prize Definition Anything worth striving for; a valuable possession held or in prospect.
  • English Word Prize Definition A contest for a reward; competition.
  • English Word Prize Definition A lever; a pry; also, the hold of a lever.
  • English Word Prize Definition To move with a lever; to force up or open; to pry.
  • English Word Prize Definition To set or estimate the value of; to appraise; to price; to rate.
  • English Word Prize Definition To value highly; to estimate to be of great worth; to esteem.
  • English Word Prize Definition Estimation; valuation.
  • English Word Prized Definition of Prize
  • English Word Prizeman Definition The winner of a prize.
  • English Word Prizemen Definition of Prizeman
  • English Word Prizer Definition One who estimates or sets the value of a thing; an appraiser.
  • English Word Prizer Definition One who contends for a prize; a prize fighter; a challenger.
  • English Word Prizing Definition of Prize
  • English Word Prizing Definition The application of a lever to move any weighty body, as a cask, anchor, cannon, car, etc. See Prize, n., 5.
  • English Word Pro Definition A Latin preposition signifying for, before, forth.
  • English Word Pro Definition For, on, or in behalf of, the affirmative side; -- in contrast with con.
  • English Word Pro rata Definition In proportion; proportionately; according to the share, interest, or liability of each.
  • English Word Pro thyalosoma Definition The investing portion, or spherical envelope, surrounding the eccentric germinal spot of the germinal vesicle.
  • English Word Pro- Definition A prefix signifying before, in front, forth, for, in behalf of, in place of, according to; as, propose, to place before; proceed, to go before or forward; project, to throw forward; prologue, part spoken before (the main piece); propel, prognathous; provide, to look out for; pronoun, a word instead of a noun; proconsul, a person acting in place of a consul; proportion, arrangement according to parts.
  • English Word Proa Definition A sailing canoe of the Ladrone Islands and Malay Archipelago, having its lee side flat and its weather side like that of an ordinary boat. The ends are alike. The canoe is long and narrow, and is kept from overturning by a cigar-shaped log attached to a frame extending several feet to windward. It has been called the flying proa, and is the swiftest sailing craft known.
  • English Word Proach Definition See Approach.
  • English Word Proant Definition Provender or food.
  • English Word Proatlas Definition A vertebral rudiment in front of the atlas in some reptiles.
  • English Word Probabiliorism Definition The doctrine of the probabiliorists.