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  • English Word Print Definition A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical.
  • English Word Print Definition A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth.
  • English Word Print Definition A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper.
  • English Word Print Definition A core print. See under Core.
  • English Word Printa-ble Definition Worthy to be published.
  • English Word Printed Definition of Print
  • English Word Printer Definition One who prints; especially, one who prints books, newspapers, engravings, etc., a compositor; a typesetter; a pressman.
  • English Word Printery Definition A place where cloth is printed; print works; also, a printing office.
  • English Word Printing Definition of Print
  • English Word Printing Definition The act, art, or practice of impressing letters, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of a printer, including typesetting and presswork, with their adjuncts; typography; also, the act of producing photographic prints.
  • English Word Printless Definition Making no imprint.
  • English Word Printless Definition Making no imprint.
  • English Word Printshop Definition A shop where prints are sold.
  • English Word Prior Definition Preceding in the order of time; former; antecedent; anterior; previous; as, a prior discovery; prior obligation; -- used elliptically in cases like the following: he lived alone [in the time] prior to his marriage.
  • English Word Prior Definition The superior of a priory, and next below an abbot in dignity.
  • English Word Priorate Definition The dignity, office, or government, of a prior.
  • English Word Prioress Definition A lady superior of a priory of nuns, and next in dignity to an abbess.
  • English Word Priories Definition of Priory
  • English Word Priority Definition The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application.
  • English Word Priority Definition Precedence; superior rank.
  • English Word Priorly Definition Previously.
  • English Word Priorship Definition The state or office of prior; priorate.
  • English Word Priory Definition A religious house presided over by a prior or prioress; -- sometimes an offshoot of, an subordinate to, an abbey, and called also cell, and obedience. See Cell, 2.
  • English Word Pris Definition See Price, and 1st Prize.
  • English Word Prisage Definition A right belonging to the crown of England, of taking two tuns of wine from every ship importing twenty tuns or more, -- one before and one behind the mast. By charter of Edward I. butlerage was substituted for this.
  • English Word Prisage Definition The share of merchandise taken as lawful prize at sea which belongs to the king or admiral.
  • English Word Priscillianist Definition A follower of Priscillian, bishop of Avila in Spain, in the fourth century, who mixed various elements of Gnosticism and Manicheism with Christianity.
  • English Word Prise Definition An enterprise.
  • English Word Prise Definition See Prize, n., 5. Also Prize, v. t.
  • English Word Priser Definition See 1st Prizer.