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  • English Word Probabiliorist Definition One who holds, in opposition to the probabilists, that a man is bound to do that which is most probably right.
  • English Word Probabilism Definition The doctrine of the probabilists.
  • English Word Probabilist Definition One who maintains that certainty is impossible, and that probability alone is to govern our faith and actions.
  • English Word Probabilist Definition One who maintains that a man may do that which has a probability of being right, or which is inculcated by teachers of authority, although other opinions may seem to him still more probable.
  • English Word Probabilities Definition of Probability
  • English Word Probability Definition The quality or state of being probable; appearance of reality or truth; reasonable ground of presumption; likelihood.
  • English Word Probability Definition That which is or appears probable; anything that has the appearance of reality or truth.
  • English Word Probability Definition Likelihood of the occurrence of any event in the doctrine of chances, or the ratio of the number of favorable chances to the whole number of chances, favorable and unfavorable. See 1st Chance, n., 5.
  • English Word Probable Definition Capable of being proved.
  • English Word Probable Definition Having more evidence for than against; supported by evidence which inclines the mind to believe, but leaves some room for doubt; likely.
  • English Word Probable Definition Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption.
  • English Word Probably Definition In a probable manner; in likelihood.
  • English Word Probacy Definition Proof; trial.
  • English Word Probal Definition Approved; probable.
  • English Word Probality Definition Probability.
  • English Word Probang Definition A slender elastic rod, as of whalebone, with a sponge on the end, for removing obstructions from the esophagus, etc.
  • English Word Probate Definition Proof.
  • English Word Probate Definition Official proof; especially, the proof before a competent officer or tribunal that an instrument offered, purporting to be the last will and testament of a person deceased, is indeed his lawful act; the copy of a will proved, under the seal of the Court of Probate, delivered to the executors with a certificate of its having been proved.
  • English Word Probate Definition The right or jurisdiction of proving wills.
  • English Word Probate Definition Of or belonging to a probate, or court of probate; as, a probate record.
  • English Word Probate Definition To obtain the official approval of, as of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament; as, the executor has probated the will.
  • English Word Probation Definition The act of proving; also, that which proves anything; proof.
  • English Word Probation Definition Any proceeding designed to ascertain truth, to determine character, qualification, etc.; examination; trial; as, to engage a person on probation.
  • English Word Probation Definition The novitiate which a person must pass in a convent, to probe his or her virtue and ability to bear the severities of the rule.
  • English Word Probation Definition The trial of a ministerial candidate's qualifications prior to his ordination, or to his settlement as a pastor.
  • English Word Probation Definition Moral trial; the state of man in the present life, in which he has the opportunity of proving his character, and becoming qualified for a happier state.
  • English Word Probational Definition Probationary.
  • English Word Probationary Definition Of or pertaining to probation; serving for trial.
  • English Word Probationer Definition One who is undergoing probation; one who is on trial; a novice.
  • English Word Probationer Definition A student in divinity, who, having received certificates of good morals and qualifications from his university, is admitted to several trials by a presbytery, and, on acquitting himself well, is licensed to preach.