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  • English Word Presbyterian Definition One who maintains the validity of ordination and government by presbyters; a member of the Presbyterian church.
  • English Word Presbyterianism Definition That form of church government which invests presbyters with all spiritual power, and admits no prelates over them; also, the faith and polity of the Presbyterian churches, taken collectively.
  • English Word Presbyteries Definition of Presbytery
  • English Word Presbyterium Definition Same as Presbytery, 4.
  • English Word Presbytership Definition The office or station of a presbyter; presbyterate.
  • English Word Presbytery Definition A body of elders in the early Christian church.
  • English Word Presbytery Definition A judicatory consisting of all the ministers within a certain district, and one layman, who is a ruling elder, from each parish or church, commissioned to represent the church in conjunction with the pastor. This body has a general jurisdiction over the churches under its care, and next below the provincial synod in authority.
  • English Word Presbytery Definition The Presbyterian religion of polity.
  • English Word Presbytery Definition That part of the church reserved for the officiating priest.
  • English Word Presbytery Definition The residence of a priest or clergyman.
  • English Word Presbytia Definition Presbyopia.
  • English Word Presbytic Definition Same as Presbyopic.
  • English Word Presbytism Definition Presbyopia.
  • English Word Prescapular Definition Of or pertaining to the prescapula; supraspinous.
  • English Word Prescience Definition Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight.
  • English Word Presciendent Definition Foreknowing; having foreknowledge; as, prescious of ills.
  • English Word Prescient Definition Having knowledge of coming events; foreseeing; conscious beforehand.
  • English Word Presciently Definition With prescience or foresight.
  • English Word Prescind Definition To cut off; to abstract.
  • English Word Prescind Definition To consider by a separate act of attention or analysis.
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction, or rule of action; to impose as a peremptory order; to dictate; to appoint; to direct.
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To direct, as a remedy to be used by a patient; as, the doctor prescribed quinine.
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To give directions; to dictate.
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To influence by long use
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To write or to give medical directions; to indicate remedies; as, to prescribe for a patient in a fever.
  • English Word Prescribe Definition To claim by prescription; to claim a title to a thing on the ground of immemorial use and enjoyment, that is, by a custom having the force of law.
  • English Word Prescribed Definition of Prescribe
  • English Word Prescriber Definition One who prescribes.
  • English Word Prescribing Definition of Prescribe
  • English Word Prescript Definition Directed; prescribed.