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  • English Word Prepense Definition Devised, contrived, or planned beforehand; preconceived; premeditated; aforethought; -- usually placed after the word it qualifies; as, malice prepense.
  • English Word Prepensely Definition In a premeditated manner.
  • English Word Prepollence Definition Alt. of Prepollency
  • English Word Prepollency Definition The quality or state of being prepollent; superiority of power; predominance; prevalence.
  • English Word Prepollent Definition Having superior influence or power; prevailing; predominant.
  • English Word Prepollent Definition An extra first digit, or rudiment of a digit, on the preaxial side of the pollex.
  • English Word Prepollices Definition of Prepollent
  • English Word Preponder Definition To preponderate.
  • English Word Preponderance Definition Alt. of Preponderancy
  • English Word Preponderancy Definition The quality or state of being preponderant; superiority or excess of weight, influence, or power, etc.; an outweighing.
  • English Word Preponderancy Definition The excess of weight of that part of a canon behind the trunnions over that in front of them.
  • English Word Preponderant Definition Preponderating; outweighing; overbalancing; -- used literally and figuratively; as, a preponderant weight; of preponderant importance.
  • English Word Preponderate Definition To outweigh; to overpower by weight; to exceed in weight; to overbalance.
  • English Word Preponderate Definition To overpower by stronger or moral power.
  • English Word Preponderate Definition To cause to prefer; to incline; to decide.
  • English Word Preponderate Definition To exceed in weight; hence, to incline or descend, as the scale of a balance; figuratively, to exceed in influence, power, etc.; hence; to incline to one side; as, the affirmative side preponderated.
  • English Word Preponderated Definition of Preponderate
  • English Word Preponderating Definition of Preponderate
  • English Word Preponderatingly Definition In a preponderating manner; preponderantly.
  • English Word Preponderation Definition The act or state of preponderating; preponderance; as, a preponderation of reasons.
  • English Word Prepose Definition To place or set before; to prefix.
  • English Word Preposition Definition A word employed to connect a noun or a pronoun, in an adjectival or adverbial sense, with some other word; a particle used with a noun or pronoun (in English always in the objective case) to make a phrase limiting some other word; -- so called because usually placed before the word with which it is phrased; as, a bridge of iron; he comes from town; it is good for food; he escaped by running.
  • English Word Preposition Definition A proposition; an exposition; a discourse.
  • English Word Prepositional Definition Of or pertaining to a preposition; of the nature of a preposition.
  • English Word Prepositive Definition Put before; prefixed; as, a prepositive particle.
  • English Word Prepositive Definition A prepositive word.
  • English Word Prepositor Definition A scholar appointed to inspect other scholars; a monitor.
  • English Word Prepositure Definition The office or dignity of a provost; a provostship.
  • English Word Prepossess Definition To preoccupy, as ground or land; to take previous possession of.
  • English Word Prepossess Definition To preoccupy, as the mind or heart, so as to preclude other things; hence, to bias or prejudice; to give a previous inclination to, for or against anything; esp., to induce a favorable opinion beforehand, or at the outset.