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  • English Word Prepossessed Definition of Prepossess
  • English Word Prepossessing Definition of Prepossess
  • English Word Prepossessing Definition Tending to invite favor; attracting confidence, favor, esteem, or love; attractive; as, a prepossessing manner.
  • English Word Prepossession Definition Preoccupation; prior possession.
  • English Word Prepossession Definition Preoccupation of the mind by an opinion, or impression, already formed; preconceived opinion; previous impression; bias; -- generally, but not always, used in a favorable sense; as, the prepossessions of childhood.
  • English Word Prepossessor Definition One who possesses, or occupies, previously.
  • English Word Preposterous Definition Having that first which ought to be last; inverted in order.
  • English Word Preposterous Definition Contrary to nature or reason; not adapted to the end; utterly and glaringly foolish; unreasonably absurd; perverted.
  • English Word Prepostor Definition See Prepositor.
  • English Word Prepotency Definition The quality or condition of being prepotent; predominance.
  • English Word Prepotency Definition The capacity, on the part of one of the parents, as compared with the other, to transmit more than his or her own share of characteristics to their offspring.
  • English Word Prepotent Definition Very powerful; superior in force, influence, or authority; predominant.
  • English Word Prepotent Definition Characterized by prepotency.
  • English Word Preprovide Definition To provide beforehand.
  • English Word Prepubic Definition Situated in front of, or anterior to, the pubis; pertaining to the prepubis.
  • English Word Prepubis Definition A bone or cartilage, of some animals, situated in the middle line in front of the pubic bones.
  • English Word Prepuce Definition The foreskin.
  • English Word Preputial Definition Of or pertaining to the prepuce.
  • English Word Preraphaelism Definition Alt. of Preraphaelitism
  • English Word Preraphaelite Definition Of or pertaining to the style called preraphaelitism; as, a preraphaelite figure; a preraphaelite landscape.
  • English Word Preraphaelite Definition One who favors or practices art as it was before Raphael; one who favors or advocates preraphaelitism.
  • English Word Preraphaelitism Definition The doctrine or practice of a school of modern painters who profess to be followers of the painters before Raphael. Its adherents advocate careful study from nature, delicacy and minuteness of workmanship, and an exalted and delicate conception of the subject.
  • English Word Preregnant Definition One who reigns before another; a sovereign predecessor.
  • English Word Preremote Definition More remote in previous time or prior order.
  • English Word Prerequire Definition To require beforehand.
  • English Word Prerequisite Definition Previously required; necessary as a preliminary to any proposed effect or end; as, prerequisite conditions of success.
  • English Word Prerequisite Definition Something previously required, or necessary to an end or effect proposed.
  • English Word Preresolve Definition To resolve beforehand; to predetermine.
  • English Word Preresolved Definition of Preresolve
  • English Word Preresolving Definition of Preresolve