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  • English Word Presentiate Definition To make present.
  • English Word Presentient Definition Feeling or perceiving beforehand.
  • English Word Presentific Definition Making present.
  • English Word Presentifical Definition Presentific.
  • English Word Presentiment Definition Previous sentiment, conception, or opinion; previous apprehension; especially, an antecedent impression or conviction of something unpleasant, distressing, or calamitous, about to happen; anticipation of evil; foreboding.
  • English Word Presentimental Definition Of nature of a presentiment; foreboding.
  • English Word Presenting Definition of Present
  • English Word Presention Definition See Presension.
  • English Word Presentive Definition Bringing a conception or notion directly before the mind; presenting an object to the memory of imagination; -- distinguished from symbolic.
  • English Word Presently Definition At present; at this time; now.
  • English Word Presently Definition At once; without delay; forthwith; also, less definitely, soon; shortly; before long; after a little while; by and by.
  • English Word Presently Definition With actual presence; actually .
  • English Word Presentment Definition The act of presenting, or the state of being presented; presentation.
  • English Word Presentment Definition Setting forth to view; delineation; appearance; representation; exhibition.
  • English Word Presentment Definition The notice taken by a grand jury of any offence from their own knowledge or observation, without any bill of indictment laid before them, as, the presentment of a nuisance, a libel, or the like; also, an inquisition of office and indictment by a grand jury; an official accusation presented to a tribunal by the grand jury in an indictment, or the act of offering an indictment; also, the indictment itself.
  • English Word Presentment Definition The official notice (formerly required to be given in court) of the surrender of a copyhold estate.
  • English Word Presentness Definition The quality or state of being present; presence.
  • English Word Presentoir Definition An ornamental tray, dish, or the like, used as a salver.
  • English Word Preservable Definition Capable of being preserved; admitting of preservation.
  • English Word Preservation Definition The act or process of preserving, or keeping safe; the state of being preserved, or kept from injury, destruction, or decay; security; safety; as, preservation of life, fruit, game, etc.; a picture in good preservation.
  • English Word Preservative Definition Having the power or quality of preserving; tending to preserve, or to keep from injury, decay, etc.
  • English Word Preservative Definition That which preserves, or has the power of preserving; a presevative agent.
  • English Word Preservatories Definition of Preservatory
  • English Word Preservatory Definition Preservative.
  • English Word Preservatory Definition A preservative.
  • English Word Preservatory Definition A room, or apparatus, in which perishable things, as fruit, vegetables, etc., can be preserved without decay.
  • English Word Preserve Definition To keep or save from injury or destruction; to guard or defend from evil, harm, danger, etc.; to protect.
  • English Word Preserve Definition To save from decay by the use of some preservative substance, as sugar, salt, etc.; to season and prepare for remaining in a good state, as fruits, meat, etc.; as, to preserve peaches or grapes.
  • English Word Preserve Definition To maintain throughout; to keep intact; as, to preserve appearances; to preserve silence.
  • English Word Preserve Definition To make preserves.