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  • English Word Prerogative Definition An exclusive or peculiar privilege; prior and indefeasible right; fundamental and essential possession; -- used generally of an official and hereditary right which may be asserted without question, and for the exercise of which there is no responsibility or accountability as to the fact and the manner of its exercise.
  • English Word Prerogative Definition Precedence; preeminence; first rank.
  • English Word Prerogatived Definition Endowed with a prerogative, or exclusive privilege.
  • English Word Prerogatively Definition By prerogative.
  • English Word Presage Definition Something which foreshows or portends a future event; a prognostic; an omen; an augury.
  • English Word Presage Definition Power to look the future, or the exercise of that power; foreknowledge; presentiment.
  • English Word Presage Definition To have a presentiment of; to feel beforehand; to foreknow.
  • English Word Presage Definition To foretell; to predict; to foreshow; to indicate.
  • English Word Presage Definition To form or utter a prediction; -- sometimes used with of.
  • English Word Presaged Definition of Presage
  • English Word Presageful Definition Full of presages; ominous.
  • English Word Presagement Definition The act or art of presaging; a foreboding.
  • English Word Presagement Definition That which is presaged, or foretold.
  • English Word Presager Definition One who, or that which, presages; a foreteller; a foreboder.
  • English Word Presaging Definition of Presage
  • English Word Presagious Definition Foreboding; ominous.
  • English Word Presbyope Definition One who has presbyopia; a farsighted person.
  • English Word Presbyopia Definition A defect of vision consequent upon advancing age. It is due to rigidity of the crystalline lens, which produces difficulty of accommodation and recession of the near point of vision, so that objects very near the eyes can not be seen distinctly without the use of convex glasses. Called also presbytia.
  • English Word Presbyopic Definition Affected by presbyopia; also, remedying presbyopia; farsighted.
  • English Word Presbyopy Definition See Presbyopia.
  • English Word Presbyte Definition Same as Presbyope.
  • English Word Presbyter Definition An elder in the early Christian church. See 2d Citation under Bishop, n., 1.
  • English Word Presbyter Definition One ordained to the second order in the ministry; -- called also priest.
  • English Word Presbyter Definition A member of a presbytery whether lay or clerical.
  • English Word Presbyter Definition A Presbyterian.
  • English Word Presbyteral Definition Of or pertaining to a presbyter or presbytery; presbyterial.
  • English Word Presbyterate Definition A presbytery; also, presbytership.
  • English Word Presbyteress Definition A female presbyter.
  • English Word Presbyterial Definition Presbyterian.
  • English Word Presbyterian Definition Of or pertaining to a presbyter, or to ecclesiastical government by presbyters; relating to those who uphold church government by presbyters; also, to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of a communion so governed.