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  • English Word Premonishing Definition of Premonish
  • English Word Premonishment Definition Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
  • English Word Premonition Definition Previous warning, notice, or information; forewarning; as, a premonition of danger.
  • English Word Premonitor Definition One who, or that which, gives premonition.
  • English Word Premonitory Definition Giving previous warning or notice; as, premonitory symptoms of disease.
  • English Word Premonstrant Definition A Premonstratensian.
  • English Word Premonstrate Definition To show beforehand; to foreshow.
  • English Word Premonstratensian Definition One of a religious order of regular canons founded by St. Norbert at Premontre, in France, in 1119. The members of the order are called also White Canons, Norbertines, and Premonstrants.
  • English Word Premonstration Definition A showing beforehand; foreshowing.
  • English Word Premonstrator Definition One who, or that which, premonstrates.
  • English Word Premorse Definition Terminated abruptly, or as it bitten off.
  • English Word Premosaic Definition Relating to the time before Moses; as, premosaic history.
  • English Word Premotion Definition Previous motion or excitement to action.
  • English Word Premunire Definition See Praemunire.
  • English Word Premunite Definition To fortify beforehand; to guard against objection.
  • English Word Premunition Definition The act of fortifying or guarding against objections.
  • English Word Premunitory Definition Of or pertaining to a premunire; as, a premunitory process.
  • English Word Prenasal Definition Situated in front of the nose, or in front of the nasal chambers.
  • English Word Prenatal Definition Being or happening before birth.
  • English Word Prender Definition The power or right of taking a thing before it is offered.
  • English Word Prenomen Definition See Praenomen.
  • English Word Prenominal Definition Serving as a prefix in a compound name.
  • English Word Prenominate Definition Forenamed; named beforehand.
  • English Word Prenominate Definition To forename; to name beforehand; to tell by name beforehand.
  • English Word Prenomination Definition The act of prenominating; privilege of being named first.
  • English Word Prenostic Definition A prognostic; an omen.
  • English Word Prenote Definition To note or designate beforehand.
  • English Word Prenotion Definition A notice or notion which precedes something else in time; previous notion or thought; foreknowledge.
  • English Word Prensation Definition The act of seizing with violence.
  • English Word Prentice Definition An apprentice.