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  • English Word Pouldavis Definition Same as Poledavy.
  • English Word Poulder Definition Powder.
  • English Word Pouldron Definition See Pauldron.
  • English Word Poulp Definition Alt. of Poulpe
  • English Word Poulpe Definition Same as Octopus.
  • English Word Poult Definition A young chicken, partridge, grouse, or the like.
  • English Word Poulter Definition A poulterer.
  • English Word Poulterer Definition One who deals in poultry.
  • English Word Poultice Definition A soft composition, as of bread, bran, or a mucilaginous substance, to be applied to sores, inflamed parts of the body, etc.; a cataplasm.
  • English Word Poultice Definition To apply a poultice to; to dress with a poultice.
  • English Word Poulticed Definition of Poultice
  • English Word Poulticing Definition of Poultice
  • English Word Poultive Definition A poultice.
  • English Word Poultry Definition Domestic fowls reared for the table, or for their eggs or feathers, such as cocks and hens, capons, turkeys, ducks, and geese.
  • English Word Pounce Definition A fine powder, as of sandarac, or cuttlefish bone, -- formerly used to prevent ink from spreading on manuscript.
  • English Word Pounce Definition Charcoal dust, or some other colored powder for making patterns through perforated designs, -- used by embroiderers, lace makers, etc.
  • English Word Pounce Definition To sprinkle or rub with pounce; as, to pounce paper, or a pattern.
  • English Word Pounce Definition The claw or talon of a bird of prey.
  • English Word Pounce Definition A punch or stamp.
  • English Word Pounce Definition Cloth worked in eyelet holes.
  • English Word Pounce Definition To strike or seize with the talons; to pierce, as with the talons.
  • English Word Pounce Definition To punch; to perforate; to stamp holes in, or dots on, by way of ornament.
  • English Word Pounce Definition To fall suddenly and seize with the claws; -- with on or upon; as, a hawk pounces upon a chicken. Also used figuratively.
  • English Word Pounced Definition Furnished with claws or talons; as, the pounced young of the eagle.
  • English Word Pounced Definition Ornamented with perforations or dots.
  • English Word Pouncet box Definition A box with a perforated lid, for sprinkling pounce, or for holding perfumes.
  • English Word Pouncing Definition of Pounce
  • English Word Pouncing Definition The art or practice of transferring a design by means of pounce.
  • English Word Pouncing Definition Decorative perforation of cloth.
  • English Word Pound Definition To strike repeatedly with some heavy instrument; to beat.