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  • English Word Posed Definition of Pose
  • English Word Posed Definition Firm; determined; fixed.
  • English Word Poser Definition One who, or that which, puzzles; a difficult or inexplicable question or fact.
  • English Word Posied Definition Inscribed with a posy.
  • English Word Posies Definition of Posy
  • English Word Posing Definition of Pose
  • English Word Posingly Definition So as to pose or puzzle.
  • English Word Posit Definition To dispose or set firmly or fixedly; to place or dispose in relation to other objects.
  • English Word Posit Definition To assume as real or conceded; as, to posit a principle.
  • English Word Posited Definition of Posit
  • English Word Positing Definition of Posit
  • English Word Position Definition The state of being posited, or placed; the manner in which anything is placed; attitude; condition; as, a firm, an inclined, or an upright position.
  • English Word Position Definition The spot where a person or thing is placed or takes a place; site; place; station; situation; as, the position of man in creation; the fleet changed its position.
  • English Word Position Definition Hence: The ground which any one takes in an argument or controversy; the point of view from which any one proceeds to a discussion; also, a principle laid down as the basis of reasoning; a proposition; a thesis; as, to define one's position; to appear in a false position.
  • English Word Position Definition Relative place or standing; social or official rank; as, a person of position; hence, office; post; as, to lose one's position.
  • English Word Position Definition A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions; -- called also the rule of trial and error.
  • English Word Position Definition To indicate the position of; to place.
  • English Word Positional Definition Of or pertaining to position.
  • English Word Positive Definition Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; -- opposed to negative.
  • English Word Positive Definition Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute; -- opposed to relative; as, the idea of beauty is not positive, but depends on the different tastes individuals.
  • English Word Positive Definition Definitely laid down; explicitly stated; clearly expressed; -- opposed to implied; as, a positive declaration or promise.
  • English Word Positive Definition Hence: Not admitting of any doubt, condition, qualification, or discretion; not dependent on circumstances or probabilities; not speculative; compelling assent or obedience; peremptory; indisputable; decisive; as, positive instructions; positive truth; positive proof.
  • English Word Positive Definition Prescribed by express enactment or institution; settled by arbitrary appointment; said of laws.
  • English Word Positive Definition Fully assured; confident; certain; sometimes, overconfident; dogmatic; overbearing; -- said of persons.
  • English Word Positive Definition Having the power of direct action or influence; as, a positive voice in legislation.
  • English Word Positive Definition Corresponding with the original in respect to the position of lights and shades, instead of having the lights and shades reversed; as, a positive picture.
  • English Word Positive Definition Electro-positive.
  • English Word Positive Definition Hence, basic; metallic; not acid; -- opposed to negative, and said of metals, bases, and basic radicals.
  • English Word Positive Definition That which is capable of being affirmed; reality.
  • English Word Positive Definition That which settles by absolute appointment.