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  • English Word Porter Definition A bar of iron or steel at the end of which a forging is made; esp., a long, large bar, to the end of which a heavy forging is attached, and by means of which the forging is lifted and handled in hammering and heating; -- called also porter bar.
  • English Word Porter Definition A malt liquor, of a dark color and moderately bitter taste, possessing tonic and intoxicating qualities.
  • English Word Porterage Definition The work of a porter; the occupation of a carrier or of a doorkeeper.
  • English Word Porterage Definition Money charged or paid for the carriage of burdens or parcels by a porter.
  • English Word Porteress Definition See Portress.
  • English Word Porterhouse Definition A house where porter is sold.
  • English Word Portesse Definition See Porteass.
  • English Word Portfire Definition A case of strong paper filled with a composition of niter, sulphur, and mealed powder, -- used principally to ignite the priming in proving guns, and as an incendiary material in shells.
  • English Word Portfolio Definition A portable case for holding loose papers, prints, drawings, etc.
  • English Word Portfolio Definition Hence: The office and functions of a minister of state or member of the cabinet; as, to receive the portfolio of war; to resign the portfolio.
  • English Word Portglave Definition A sword bearer.
  • English Word Portgrave Definition In old English law, the chief magistrate of a port or maritime town.; a portreeve.
  • English Word Portgreve Definition Alt. of Portgrave
  • English Word Porthole Definition An embrasure in a ship's side. See 3d Port.
  • English Word Porthook Definition One of the iron hooks to which the port hinges are attached.
  • English Word Porthors Definition See Portass.
  • English Word Portico Definition A colonnade or covered ambulatory, especially in classical styles of architecture; usually, a colonnade at the entrance of a building.
  • English Word Porticoed Definition Furnished with a portico.
  • English Word Porticoes Definition of Portico
  • English Word Porticos Definition of Portico
  • English Word Portiere Definition A curtain hanging across a doorway.
  • English Word Portigue Definition See Portague.
  • English Word Porting Definition of Port
  • English Word Portingal Definition Of or pertaining to Portugal; Portuguese.
  • English Word Portingal Definition A Portuguese.
  • English Word Portion Definition That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything.
  • English Word Portion Definition A part considered by itself, though not actually cut off or separated from the whole.
  • English Word Portion Definition A part assigned; allotment; share; fate.
  • English Word Portion Definition The part of an estate given to a child or heir, or descending to him by law, and distributed to him in the settlement of the estate; an inheritance.
  • English Word Portion Definition A wife's fortune; a dowry.