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  • English Word Portion Definition To separate or divide into portions or shares; to parcel; to distribute.
  • English Word Portion Definition To endow with a portion or inheritance.
  • English Word Portioned Definition of Portion
  • English Word Portioner Definition One who portions.
  • English Word Portioner Definition See Portionist, 2.
  • English Word Portioning Definition of Portion
  • English Word Portionist Definition A scholar at Merton College, Oxford, who has a certain academical allowance or portion; -- corrupted into postmaster.
  • English Word Portionist Definition One of the incumbents of a benefice which has two or more rectors or vicars.
  • English Word Portionless Definition Having no portion.
  • English Word Portise Definition See Portass.
  • English Word Portland cement Definition A cement having the color of the Portland stone of England, made by calcining an artificial mixture of carbonate of lime and clay, or sometimes certain natural limestones or chalky clays. It contains a large proportion of clay, and hardens under water.
  • English Word Portland stone Definition A yellowish-white calcareous freestone from the Isle of Portland in England, much used in building.
  • English Word Portland vase Definition A celebrated cinerary urn or vase found in the tomb of the Emperor Alexander Severus. It is owned by the Duke of Portland, and kept in the British Museum.
  • English Word Portlast Definition The portoise. See Portoise.
  • English Word Portliness Definition The quality or state of being portly; dignity of mien or of personal appearance; stateliness.
  • English Word Portliness Definition Bulkiness; corpulence.
  • English Word Portly Definition Having a dignified port or mien; of a noble appearance; imposing.
  • English Word Portly Definition Bulky; corpulent.
  • English Word Portman Definition An inhabitant or burgess of a port, esp. of one of the Cinque Ports.
  • English Word Portmanteau Definition A bag or case, usually of leather, for carrying wearing apparel, etc., on journeys.
  • English Word Portmanteaus Definition of Portmanteau
  • English Word Portmantle Definition A portmanteau.
  • English Word Portmen Definition of Portman
  • English Word Portmote Definition In old English law, a court, or mote, held in a port town.
  • English Word Portoir Definition One who, or that which, bears; hence, one who, or that which, produces.
  • English Word Portoise Definition The gunwale of a ship.
  • English Word Portos Definition See Portass.
  • English Word Portpane Definition A cloth for carrying bread, so as not to touch it with the hands.
  • English Word Portrait Definition The likeness of a person, painted, drawn, or engraved; commonly, a representation of the human face painted from real life.
  • English Word Portrait Definition Hence, any graphic or vivid delineation or description of a person; as, a portrait in words.