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  • English Word Portamento Definition In singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another; a gliding from tone to tone.
  • English Word Portance Definition See Port, carriage, demeanor.
  • English Word Portass Definition A breviary; a prayer book.
  • English Word Portate Definition Borne not erect, but diagonally athwart an escutcheon; as, a cross portate.
  • English Word Portative Definition Portable.
  • English Word Portative Definition Capable of holding up or carrying; as, the portative force of a magnet, of atmospheric pressure, or of capillarity.
  • English Word Portcluse Definition A portcullis.
  • English Word Portcrayon Definition A metallic handle with a clasp for holding a crayon.
  • English Word Portcullis Definition A grating of iron or of timbers pointed with iron, hung over the gateway of a fortress, to be let down to prevent the entrance of an enemy.
  • English Word Portcullis Definition An English coin of the reign of Elizabeth, struck for the use of the East India Company; -- so called from its bearing the figure of a portcullis on the reverse.
  • English Word Portcullis Definition To obstruct with, or as with, a portcullis; to shut; to bar.
  • English Word Portcullised Definition of Portcullis
  • English Word Portcullising Definition of Portcullis
  • English Word Porte Definition The Ottoman court; the government of the Turkish empire, officially called the Sublime Porte, from the gate (port) of the sultan's palace at which justice was administered.
  • English Word Porte-cochere Definition A large doorway allowing vehicles to drive into or through a building. It is common to have the entrance door open upon the passage of the porte-cochere. Also, a porch over a driveway before an entrance door.
  • English Word Ported Definition Having gates.
  • English Word Ported Definition of Port
  • English Word Portegue Definition See Portague.
  • English Word Portemonnaie Definition A small pocketbook or wallet for carrying money.
  • English Word Portend Definition To indicate (events, misfortunes, etc.) as in future; to foreshow; to foretoken; to bode; -- now used esp. of unpropitious signs.
  • English Word Portend Definition To stretch out before.
  • English Word Portended Definition of Portend
  • English Word Portending Definition of Portend
  • English Word Portension Definition The act of foreshowing; foreboding.
  • English Word Portent Definition That which portends, or foretoken; esp., that which portends evil; a sign of coming calamity; an omen; a sign.
  • English Word Portentive Definition Presaging; foreshadowing.
  • English Word Portentous Definition Of the nature of a portent; containing portents; foreshadowing, esp. foreshadowing ill; ominous.
  • English Word Portentous Definition Hence: Monstrous; prodigious; wonderful; dreadful; as, a beast of portentous size.
  • English Word Porter Definition A man who has charge of a door or gate; a doorkeeper; one who waits at the door to receive messages.
  • English Word Porter Definition A carrier; one who carries or conveys burdens, luggage, etc.; for hire.