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  • English Word Porousness Definition The open parts; the interstices of anything.
  • English Word Porpentine Definition Porcupine.
  • English Word Porpesse Definition A porpoise.
  • English Word Porphyraceous Definition Porphyritic.
  • English Word Porphyre Definition Porphyry.
  • English Word Porphyries Definition of Porphyry
  • English Word Porphyrite Definition A rock with a porphyritic structure; as, augite porphyrite.
  • English Word Porphyritic Definition Relating to, or resembling, porphyry, that is, characterized by the presence of distinct crystals, as of feldspar, quartz, or augite, in a relatively fine-grained base, often aphanitic or cryptocrystalline.
  • English Word Porphyrization Definition The act of porphyrizing, or the state of being porphyrized.
  • English Word Porphyrize Definition To cause to resemble porphyry; to make spotted in composition, like porphyry.
  • English Word Porphyrogenitism Definition The principle of succession in royal families, especially among the Eastern Roman emperors, by which a younger son, if born after the accession of his father to the throne, was preferred to an elder son who was not so born.
  • English Word Porphyry Definition A term used somewhat loosely to designate a rock consisting of a fine-grained base (usually feldspathic) through which crystals, as of feldspar or quartz, are disseminated. There are red, purple, and green varieties, which are highly esteemed as marbles.
  • English Word Porpita Definition A genus of bright-colored Siphonophora found floating in the warmer parts of the ocean. The individuals are round and disk-shaped, with a large zooid in the center of the under side, surrounded by smaller nutritive and reproductive zooids, and by slender dactylozooids near the margin. The disk contains a central float, or pneumatocyst.
  • English Word Porpoise Definition Any small cetacean of the genus Phocaena, especially P. communis, or P. phocaena, of Europe, and the closely allied American species (P. Americana). The color is dusky or blackish above, paler beneath. They are closely allied to the dolphins, but have a shorter snout. Called also harbor porpoise, herring hag, puffing pig, and snuffer.
  • English Word Porpoise Definition A true dolphin (Delphinus); -- often so called by sailors.
  • English Word Porporino Definition A composition of quicksilver, tin, and sulphur, forming a yellow powder, sometimes used by mediaeval artists, for the sake of economy, instead of gold.
  • English Word Porpus Definition A porpoise.
  • English Word Porraceous Definition Resembling the leek in color; greenish.
  • English Word Porrect Definition Extended horizontally; stretched out.
  • English Word Porrection Definition The act of stretching forth.
  • English Word Porret Definition A scallion; a leek or small onion.
  • English Word Porridge Definition A food made by boiling some leguminous or farinaceous substance, or the meal of it, in water or in milk, making of broth or thin pudding; as, barley porridge, milk porridge, bean porridge, etc.
  • English Word Porringer Definition A porridge dish; esp., a bowl or cup from which children eat or are fed; as, a silver porringer.
  • English Word Port Definition A dark red or purple astringent wine made in Portugal. It contains a large percentage of alcohol.
  • English Word Port Definition A place where ships may ride secure from storms; a sheltered inlet, bay, or cove; a harbor; a haven. Used also figuratively.
  • English Word Port Definition In law and commercial usage, a harbor where vessels are admitted to discharge and receive cargoes, from whence they depart and where they finish their voyages.
  • English Word Port Definition A passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place; a gate; a door; a portal.
  • English Word Port Definition An opening in the side of a vessel; an embrasure through which cannon may be discharged; a porthole; also, the shutters which close such an opening.
  • English Word Port Definition A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid, as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve to the interior of the cylinder of a steam engine; an opening in a valve seat, or valve face.
  • English Word Port Definition To carry; to bear; to transport.