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  • English Word Populous Definition Common; vulgar.
  • English Word Populous Definition Numerous; in large number.
  • English Word Poraille Definition Poor people; the poor.
  • English Word Porbeagle Definition A species of shark (Lamna cornubica), about eight feet long, having a pointed nose and a crescent-shaped tail; -- called also mackerel shark.
  • English Word Porcate Definition Having grooves or furrows broader than the intervening ridges; furrowed.
  • English Word Porcelain Definition Purslain.
  • English Word Porcelain Definition A fine translucent or semitransculent kind of earthenware, made first in China and Japan, but now also in Europe and America; -- called also China, or China ware.
  • English Word Porcelainized Definition Baked like potter's lay; -- applied to clay shales that have been converted by heat into a substance resembling porcelain.
  • English Word Porcelaneous Definition Alt. of Porcellaneous
  • English Word Porcelanite Definition A semivitrified clay or shale, somewhat resembling jasper; -- called also porcelain jasper.
  • English Word Porcelanous Definition Alt. of Porcellanous
  • English Word Porcellaneous Definition Of or pertaining to porcelain; resembling porcelain; as, porcelaneous shells.
  • English Word Porcellaneous Definition Having a smooth, compact shell without pores; -- said of certain Foraminifera.
  • English Word Porcellanous Definition Porcelaneous.
  • English Word Porch Definition A covered and inclosed entrance to a building, whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof. Sometimes the porch is large enough to serve as a covered walk. See also Carriage porch, under Carriage, and Loggia.
  • English Word Porch Definition A portico; a covered walk.
  • English Word Porcine Definition Of or pertaining to swine; characteristic of the hog.
  • English Word Porcupine Definition Any Old Word rodent of the genus Hystrix, having the back covered with long, sharp, erectile spines or quills, sometimes a foot long. The common species of Europe and Asia (Hystrix cristata) is the best known.
  • English Word Porcupine Definition Any species of Erethizon and related genera, native of America. They are related to the true porcupines, but have shorter spines, and are arboreal in their habits. The Canada porcupine (Erethizon dorsatus) is a well known species.
  • English Word Pore Definition One of the minute orifices in an animal or vegetable membrane, for transpiration, absorption, etc.
  • English Word Pore Definition A minute opening or passageway; an interstice between the constituent particles or molecules of a body; as, the pores of stones.
  • English Word Pore Definition To look or gaze steadily in reading or studying; to fix the attention; to be absorbed; -- often with on or upon, and now usually with over.
  • English Word Poreblind Definition Nearsighted; shortsighted; purblind.
  • English Word Pored Definition of Pore
  • English Word Porer Definition One who pores.
  • English Word Porgies Definition of Porgy
  • English Word Porgy Definition The scup.
  • English Word Porgy Definition The sailor's choice, or pinfish.
  • English Word Porgy Definition The margate fish.
  • English Word Porgy Definition The spadefish.