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  • English Word Popular Definition Beloved or approved by the people; pleasing to people in general, or to many people; as, a popular preacher; a popular law; a popular administration.
  • English Word Popular Definition Devoted to the common people; studious of the favor of the populace.
  • English Word Popular Definition Prevailing among the people; epidemic; as, a popular disease.
  • English Word Populares Definition The people or the people's party, in ancient Rome, as opposed to the optimates.
  • English Word Popularities Definition of Popularity
  • English Word Popularity Definition The quality or state of being popular; especially, the state of being esteemed by, or of being in favor with, the people at large; good will or favor proceeding from the people; as, the popularity of a law, statesman, or a book.
  • English Word Popularity Definition The quality or state of being adapted or pleasing to common, poor, or vulgar people; hence, cheapness; inferiority; vulgarity.
  • English Word Popularity Definition Something which obtains, or is intended to obtain, the favor of the vulgar; claptrap.
  • English Word Popularity Definition The act of courting the favor of the people.
  • English Word Popularity Definition Public sentiment; general passion.
  • English Word Popularization Definition The act of making popular, or of introducing among the people.
  • English Word Popularize Definition To make popular; to make suitable or acceptable to the common people; to make generally known; as, to popularize philosophy.
  • English Word Popularized Definition of Popularize
  • English Word Popularizer Definition One who popularizes.
  • English Word Popularizing Definition of Popularize
  • English Word Popularly Definition In a popular manner; so as to be generally favored or accepted by the people; commonly; currently; as, the story was popularity reported.
  • English Word Popularness Definition The quality or state of being popular; popularity.
  • English Word Populate Definition Populous.
  • English Word Populate Definition To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited; to people.
  • English Word Populate Definition To propagate.
  • English Word Populated Definition of Populate
  • English Word Populating Definition of Populate
  • English Word Population Definition The act or process of populating; multiplication of inhabitants.
  • English Word Population Definition The whole number of people, or inhabitants, in a country, or portion of a country; as, a population of ten millions.
  • English Word Populator Definition One who populates.
  • English Word Populicide Definition Slaughter of the people.
  • English Word Populin Definition A glycoside, related to salicin, found in the bark of certain species of the poplar (Populus), and extracted as a sweet white crystalline substance.
  • English Word Populosity Definition Populousness.
  • English Word Populous Definition Abounding in people; full of inhabitants; containing many inhabitants in proportion to the extent of the country.
  • English Word Populous Definition Popular; famous.