HPage 92
- English Word Heresiographer Definition One who writes on heresies.
- English Word Heresiography Definition A treatise on heresy.
- English Word Heresy Definition An opinion held in opposition to the established or commonly received doctrine, and tending to promote a division or party, as in politics, literature, philosophy, etc.; -- usually, but not necessarily, said in reproach.
- English Word Heresy Definition Religious opinion opposed to the authorized doctrinal standards of any particular church, especially when tending to promote schism or separation; lack of orthodox or sound belief; rejection of, or erroneous belief in regard to, some fundamental religious doctrine or truth; heterodoxy.
- English Word Heresy Definition An offense against Christianity, consisting in a denial of some essential doctrine, which denial is publicly avowed, and obstinately maintained.
- English Word Heretic Definition One who holds to a heresy; one who believes some doctrine contrary to the established faith or prevailing religion.
- English Word Heretic Definition One who having made a profession of Christian belief, deliberately and pertinaciously refuses to believe one or more of the articles of faith "determined by the authority of the universal church."
- English Word Heretical Definition Containing heresy; of the nature of, or characterized by, heresy.
- English Word Heretically Definition In an heretical manner.
- English Word Hereticate Definition To decide to be heresy or a heretic; to denounce as a heretic or heretical.
- English Word Heretification Definition The act of hereticating or pronouncing heretical.
- English Word Hereto Definition To this; hereunto.
- English Word Heretoch Definition Alt. of Heretog
- English Word Heretofore Definition Up to this time; hitherto; before; in time past.
- English Word Heretog Definition The leader or commander of an army; also, a marshal.
- English Word Hereunto Definition Unto this; up to this time; hereto.
- English Word Hereupon Definition On this; hereon.
- English Word Herewith Definition With this.
- English Word Herie Definition To praise; to worship.
- English Word Heriot Definition Formerly, a payment or tribute of arms or military accouterments, or the best beast, or chattel, due to the lord on the death of a tenant; in modern use, a customary tribute of goods or chattels to the lord of the fee, paid on the decease of a tenant.
- English Word Heriotable Definition Subject to the payment of a heriot.
- English Word Herisson Definition A beam or bar armed with iron spikes, and turning on a pivot; -- used to block up a passage.
- English Word Heritability Definition The state of being heritable.
- English Word Heritable Definition Capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance; inheritable.
- English Word Heritable Definition Capable of inheriting or receiving by inheritance.
- English Word Heritage Definition That which is inherited, or passes from heir to heir; inheritance.
- English Word Heritage Definition A possession; the Israelites, as God's chosen people; also, a flock under pastoral charge.
- English Word Heritance Definition Heritage; inheritance.
- English Word Heritor Definition A proprietor or landholder in a parish.
- English Word Herl Definition Same as Harl, 2.