HPage 89
- English Word Herbergeour Definition A harbinger.
- English Word Herbergh Definition Alt. of Herberwe
- English Word Herberwe Definition A harbor.
- English Word Herbescent Definition Growing into herbs.
- English Word Herbid Definition Covered with herbs.
- English Word Herbiferous Definition Bearing herbs or vegetation.
- English Word Herbist Definition A herbalist.
- English Word Herbivora Definition An extensive division of Mammalia. It formerly included the Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla, but by later writers it is generally restricted to the two latter groups (Ungulata). They feed almost exclusively upon vegetation.
- English Word Herbivore Definition One of the Herbivora.
- English Word Herbivorous Definition Eating plants; of or pertaining to the Herbivora.
- English Word Herbless Definition Destitute of herbs or of vegetation.
- English Word Herblet Definition A small herb.
- English Word Herborist Definition A herbalist.
- English Word Herborization Definition The act of herborizing.
- English Word Herborization Definition The figure of plants in minerals or fossils.
- English Word Herborize Definition To search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them.
- English Word Herborize Definition To form the figures of plants in; -- said in reference to minerals. See Arborized.
- English Word Herborized Definition of Herborize
- English Word Herborizing Definition of Herborize
- English Word Herborough Definition A harbor.
- English Word Herbose Definition Alt. of Herbous
- English Word Herbous Definition Abounding with herbs.
- English Word Herby Definition Having the nature of, pertaining to, or covered with, herbs or herbage.
- English Word Hercogamous Definition Not capable of self-fertilization; -- said of hermaphrodite flowers in which some structural obstacle forbids autogamy.
- English Word Herculean Definition Requiring the strength of Hercules; hence, very great, difficult, or dangerous; as, an Herculean task.
- English Word Herculean Definition Having extraordinary strength or size; as, Herculean limbs.
- English Word Hercules Definition A hero, fabled to have been the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and celebrated for great strength, esp. for the accomplishment of his twelve great tasks or "labors."
- English Word Hercules Definition A constellation in the northern hemisphere, near Lyra.
- English Word Hercynian Definition Of or pertaining to an extensive forest in Germany, of which there are still portions in Swabia and the Hartz mountains.
- English Word Herd Definition Haired.