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- English Word Hereafter Definition In time to come; in some future time or state.
- English Word Hereafter Definition A future existence or state.
- English Word Hereafterward Definition Hereafter.
- English Word Hereby Definition By means of this.
- English Word Hereby Definition Close by; very near.
- English Word Hereditability Definition State of being hereditable.
- English Word Hereditable Definition Capable of being inherited. See Inheritable.
- English Word Hereditable Definition Qualified to inherit; capable of inheriting.
- English Word Hereditably Definition By inheritance.
- English Word Hereditament Definition Any species of property that may be inherited; lands, tenements, anything corporeal or incorporeal, real, personal, or mixed, that may descend to an heir.
- English Word Hereditarily Definition By inheritance; in an hereditary manner.
- English Word Hereditary Definition Descended, or capable of descending, from an ancestor to an heir at law; received or passing by inheritance, or that must pass by inheritance; as, an hereditary estate or crown.
- English Word Hereditary Definition Transmitted, or capable of being transmitted, as a constitutional quality or condition from a parent to a child; as, hereditary pride, bravery, disease.
- English Word Heredity Definition Hereditary transmission of the physical and psychical qualities of parents to their offspring; the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants. See Pangenesis.
- English Word Hereford Definition One of a breed of cattle originating in Herefordshire, England. The Herefords are good working animals, and their beef-producing quality is excellent.
- English Word Herehence Definition From hence.
- English Word Herein Definition In this.
- English Word Hereinafter Definition In the following part of this (writing, document, speech, and the like).
- English Word Hereinbefore Definition In the preceding part of this (writing, document, book, etc.).
- English Word Hereinto Definition Into this.
- English Word Heremit Definition Alt. of Heremite
- English Word Heremite Definition A hermit.
- English Word Heremitical Definition Of or pertaining to a hermit; solitary; secluded from society.
- English Word Heren Definition Made of hair.
- English Word Hereof Definition Of this; concerning this; from this; hence.
- English Word Hereon Definition On or upon this; hereupon.
- English Word Hereout Definition Out of this.
- English Word Heresiarch Definition A leader in heresy; the chief of a sect of heretics.
- English Word Heresiarchy Definition A chief or great heresy.
- English Word Heresies Definition of Heresy