HPage 82
- English Word Hemisphere Definition The people who inhabit a hemisphere.
- English Word Hemispheric Definition Alt. of Hemispherical
- English Word Hemispherical Definition Containing, or pertaining to, a hemisphere; as, a hemispheric figure or form; a hemispherical body.
- English Word Hemispheroid Definition A half of a spheroid.
- English Word Hemispheroidal Definition Resembling, or approximating to, a hemisphere in form.
- English Word Hemispherule Definition A half spherule.
- English Word Hemistich Definition Half a poetic verse or line, or a verse or line not completed.
- English Word Hemistichal Definition Pertaining to, or written in, hemistichs; also, by, or according to, hemistichs; as, a hemistichal division of a verse.
- English Word Hemisystole Definition Contraction of only one ventricle of the heart.
- English Word Hemitone Definition See Semitone.
- English Word Hemitropal Definition Alt. of Hemitropous
- English Word Hemitrope Definition Half turned round; half inverted; (Crystallog.) having a twinned structure.
- English Word Hemitrope Definition That which is hemitropal in construction; (Crystallog.) a twin crystal having a hemitropal structure.
- English Word Hemitropous Definition Turned half round; half inverted.
- English Word Hemitropous Definition Having the raphe terminating about half way between the chalaza and the orifice; amphitropous; -- said of an ovule.
- English Word Hemitropy Definition Twin composition in crystals.
- English Word Hemlock Definition The name of several poisonous umbelliferous herbs having finely cut leaves and small white flowers, as the Cicuta maculata, bulbifera, and virosa, and the Conium maculatum. See Conium.
- English Word Hemlock Definition An evergreen tree common in North America (Abies, / Tsuga, Canadensis); hemlock spruce.
- English Word Hemlock Definition The wood or timber of the hemlock tree.
- English Word Hemmed Definition of Hem
- English Word Hemmel Definition A shed or hovel for cattle.
- English Word Hemmer Definition One who, or that which, hems with a needle.
- English Word Hemmer Definition An attachment to a sewing machine, for turning under the edge of a piece of fabric, preparatory to stitching it down.
- English Word Hemmer Definition A tool for turning over the edge of sheet metal to make a hem.
- English Word Hemming Definition of Hem
- English Word Hemo- Definition Same as Haema-, Haemo-.
- English Word Hemoglobin Definition The normal coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles of vertebrate animals. It is composed of hematin and globulin, and is also called haematoglobulin. In arterial blood, it is always combined with oxygen, and is then called oxyhemoglobin. It crystallizes under different forms from different animals, and when crystallized, is called haematocrystallin. See Blood crystal, under Blood.
- English Word Hemoglobinometer Definition Same as Haemochromometer.
- English Word Hemoothorax Definition An effusion of blood into the cavity of the pleura.
- English Word Hemophilia Definition See Hematophilia.