HPage 80
- English Word Hematoxylin Definition Haematoxylin.
- English Word Hematuria Definition Passage of urine mingled with blood.
- English Word Hemautography Definition The obtaining of a curve similar to a pulse curve or sphygmogram by allowing the blood from a divided artery to strike against a piece of paper.
- English Word Hemelytra Definition of Hemelytrum
- English Word Hemelytron Definition Alt. of Hemelytrum
- English Word Hemelytrum Definition One of the partially thickened anterior wings of certain insects, as of many Hemiptera, the earwigs, etc.
- English Word Hemeralopia Definition A disease of the eyes, in consequence of which a person can see clearly or without pain only by daylight or a strong artificial light; day sight.
- English Word Hemerobian Definition A neuropterous insect of the genus Hemerobius, and allied genera.
- English Word Hemerobid Definition Of relating to the hemerobians.
- English Word Hemerocallis Definition A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.
- English Word Hemi- Definition A prefix signifying half.
- English Word Hemi-demi-semiquaver Definition A short note, equal to one fourth of a semiquaver, or the sixty-fourth part of a whole note.
- English Word Hemialbumin Definition Same as Hemialbumose.
- English Word Hemialbumose Definition An albuminous substance formed in gastric digestion, and by the action of boiling dilute acids on albumin. It is readily convertible into hemipeptone. Called also hemialbumin.
- English Word Hemianaesthesia Definition Anaesthesia upon one side of the body.
- English Word Hemibranchi Definition An order of fishes having an incomplete or reduced branchial apparatus. It includes the sticklebacks, the flutemouths, and Fistularia.
- English Word Hemicardia Definition A lateral half of the heart, either the right or left.
- English Word Hemicarp Definition One portion of a fruit that spontaneously divides into halves.
- English Word Hemicerebrum Definition A lateral half of the cerebrum.
- English Word Hemicollin Definition See Semiglutin.
- English Word Hemicrania Definition A pain that affects only one side of the head.
- English Word Hemicrany Definition Hemicranis.
- English Word Hemicycle Definition A half circle; a semicircle.
- English Word Hemicycle Definition A semicircular place, as a semicircular arena, or room, or part of a room.
- English Word Hemidactyl Definition Any species of Old World geckoes of the genus Hemidactylus. The hemidactyls have dilated toes, with two rows of plates beneath.
- English Word Hemiditone Definition The lesser third.
- English Word Hemigamous Definition Having one of the two florets in the same spikelet neuter, and the other unisexual, whether male or female; -- said of grasses.
- English Word Hemiglyph Definition The half channel or groove in the edge of the triglyph in the Doric order.
- English Word Hemihedral Definition Having half of the similar parts of a crystals, instead of all; consisting of half the planes which full symmetry would require, as when a cube has planes only on half of its eight solid angles, or one plane out of a pair on each of its edges; or as in the case of a tetrahedron, which is hemihedral to an octahedron, it being contained under four of the planes of an octahedron.
- English Word Hemihedrism Definition The property of crystallizing hemihedrally.