HPage 81
- English Word Hemihedron Definition A solid hemihedrally derived. The tetrahedron is a hemihedron.
- English Word Hemiholohedral Definition Presenting hemihedral forms, in which half the sectants have the full number of planes.
- English Word Hemimellitic Definition Having half as many (three) carboxyl radicals as mellitic acid; -- said of an organic acid.
- English Word Hemimetabola Definition Those insects which have an incomplete metamorphosis.
- English Word Hemimetabolic Definition Having an incomplete metamorphosis, the larvae differing from the adults chiefly in laking wings, as in the grasshoppers and cockroaches.
- English Word Hemimorphic Definition Having the two ends modified with unlike planes; -- said of a crystal.
- English Word Hemin Definition A substance, in the form of reddish brown, microscopic, prismatic crystals, formed from dried blood by the action of strong acetic acid and common salt; -- called also Teichmann's crystals. Chemically, it is a hydrochloride of hematin.
- English Word Hemina Definition A measure of half a sextary.
- English Word Hemina Definition A measure equal to about ten fluid ounces.
- English Word Heminae Definition of Hemina
- English Word Hemionus Definition A wild ass found in Thibet; the kiang.
- English Word Hemiopia Definition Alt. of Hemiopsia
- English Word Hemiopsia Definition A defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at.
- English Word Hemiorthotype Definition Same as Monoclinic.
- English Word Hemipeptone Definition A product of the gastric and pancreatic digestion of albuminous matter.
- English Word Hemiplegia Definition A palsy that affects one side only of the body.
- English Word Hemiplegy Definition Hemiplegia.
- English Word Hemipode Definition Any bird of the genus Turnix. Various species inhabit Asia, Africa, and Australia.
- English Word Hemiprotein Definition An insoluble, proteid substance, described by Schutzenberger, formed when albumin is heated for some time with dilute sulphuric acid. It is apparently identical with antialbumid and dyspeptone.
- English Word Hemipter Definition One of the Hemiptera.
- English Word Hemiptera Definition An order of hexapod insects having a jointed proboscis, including four sharp stylets (mandibles and maxillae), for piercing. In many of the species (Heteroptera) the front wings are partially coriaceous, and different from the others.
- English Word Hemipteral Definition Alt. of Hemipterous
- English Word Hemipteran Definition One of the Hemiptera; an hemipter.
- English Word Hemipterous Definition Of or pertaining to the Hemiptera.
- English Word Hemisect Definition To divide along the mesial plane.
- English Word Hemisected Definition of Hemisect
- English Word Hemisecting Definition of Hemisect
- English Word Hemisection Definition A division along the mesial plane; also, one of the parts so divided.
- English Word Hemisphere Definition A half sphere; one half of a sphere or globe, when divided by a plane passing through its center.
- English Word Hemisphere Definition Half of the terrestrial globe, or a projection of the same in a map or picture.