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  • English Word Homogony Definition The condition of having homogonous flowers.
  • English Word Homograph Definition One of two or more words identical in orthography, but having different derivations and meanings; as, fair, n., a market, and fair, a., beautiful.
  • English Word Homographic Definition Employing a single and separate character to represent each sound; -- said of certain methods of spelling words.
  • English Word Homographic Definition Possessing the property of homography.
  • English Word Homography Definition That method of spelling in which every sound is represented by a single character, which indicates that sound and no other.
  • English Word Homography Definition A relation between two figures, such that to any point of the one corresponds one and but one point in the other, and vise versa. Thus, a tangent line rolling on a circle cuts two fixed tangents of the circle in two sets of points that are homographic.
  • English Word Homoioptoton Definition A figure in which the several parts of a sentence end with the same case, or inflection generally.
  • English Word Homoiothermal Definition Maintaining a uniform temperature; haematothermal; homothermic; -- applied to warm-bodied animals, because they maintain a nearly uniform temperature in spite of the great variations in the surrounding air; in distinct from the cold-blooded (poikilothermal) animals, whose body temperature follows the variations in temperature of the surrounding medium.
  • English Word Homoiousian Definition One of the semi-Arians of the 4th century, who held that the Son was of like, but not the same, essence or substance with the Father; -- opposed to homoousian.
  • English Word Homoiousian Definition Of or pertaining to Homoiousians, or their belief.
  • English Word Homologate Definition To approve; to allow; to confirm; as, the court homologates a proceeding.
  • English Word Homologated Definition of Homologate
  • English Word Homologating Definition of Homologate
  • English Word Homologation Definition Confirmation or ratification (as of something otherwise null and void), by a court or a grantor.
  • English Word Homological Definition Pertaining to homology; having a structural affinity proceeding from, or base upon, that kind of relation termed homology.
  • English Word Homologinic Definition Pertaining to, or characterized by, homology; as, homologinic qualities, or differences.
  • English Word Homologize Definition To determine the homologies or structural relations of.
  • English Word Homologon Definition See Homologue.
  • English Word Homologoumena Definition Those books of the New Testament which were acknowledged as canonical by the early church; -- distinguished from antilegomena.
  • English Word Homologous Definition Having the same relative position, proportion, value, or structure.
  • English Word Homologous Definition Corresponding in relative position and proportion.
  • English Word Homologous Definition Having the same relative proportion or value, as the two antecedents or the two consequents of a proportion.
  • English Word Homologous Definition Characterized by homology; belonging to the same type or series; corresponding in composition and properties. See Homology, 3.
  • English Word Homologous Definition Being of the same typical structure; having like relations to a fundamental type to structure; as, those bones in the hand of man and the fore foot of a horse are homologous that correspond in their structural relations, that is, in their relations to the type structure of the fore limb in vertebrates.
  • English Word Homolographic Definition Preserving the mutual relations of parts, especially as to size and form; maintaining relative proportion.
  • English Word Homologue Definition That which is homologous to something else; as, the corresponding sides, etc., of similar polygons are the homologues of each other; the members or terms of an homologous series in chemistry are the homologues of each other; one of the bones in the hand of man is the homologue of that in the paddle of a whale.
  • English Word Homology Definition The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation; as, the homologyof similar polygons.
  • English Word Homology Definition Correspondence or relation in type of structure in contradistinction to similarity of function; as, the relation in structure between the leg and arm of a man; or that between the arm of a man, the fore leg of a horse, the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish, all these organs being modifications of one type of structure.
  • English Word Homology Definition The correspondence or resemblance of substances belonging to the same type or series; a similarity of composition varying by a small, regular difference, and usually attended by a regular variation in physical properties; as, there is an homology between methane, CH4, ethane, C2H6, propane, C3H8, etc., all members of the paraffin series. In an extended sense, the term is applied to the relation between chemical elements of the same group; as, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are said to be in homology with each other. Cf. Heterology.
  • English Word Homomallous Definition Uniformly bending or curving to one side; -- said of leaves which grow on several sides of a stem.