HPage 137
- English Word Homilete Definition A homilist.
- English Word Homiletic Definition Alt. of Homiletical
- English Word Homiletical Definition Of or pertaining to familiar intercourse; social; affable; conversable; companionable.
- English Word Homiletical Definition Of or pertaining to homiletics; hortatory.
- English Word Homiletics Definition The art of preaching; that branch of theology which treats of homilies or sermons, and the best method of preparing and delivering them.
- English Word Homilies Definition of Homily
- English Word Homilist Definition One who prepares homilies; one who preaches to a congregation.
- English Word Homilite Definition A borosilicate of iron and lime, near datolite in form and composition.
- English Word Homily Definition A discourse or sermon read or pronounced to an audience; a serious discourse.
- English Word Homily Definition A serious or tedious exhortation in private on some moral point, or on the conduct of life.
- English Word Homing Definition Home-returning; -- used specifically of carrier pigeons.
- English Word Hominy Definition Maize hulled and broken, and prepared for food by being boiled in water.
- English Word Homish Definition Like a home or a home circle.
- English Word Hommock Definition A small eminence of a conical form, of land or of ice; a knoll; a hillock. See Hummock.
- English Word Hommocky Definition Filled with hommocks; piled in the form of hommocks; -- said of ice.
- English Word Homo- Definition A combining form from Gr. "omo`s, one and the same, common, joint.
- English Word Homocategoric Definition Belonging to the same category of individuality; -- a morphological term applied to organisms so related.
- English Word Homocentric Definition Having the same center.
- English Word Homocercal Definition Having the tail nearly or quite symmetrical, the vertebral column terminating near its base; -- opposed to heterocercal.
- English Word Homocercy Definition The possession of a homocercal tail.
- English Word Homocerebrin Definition A body similar to, or identical with, cerebrin.
- English Word Homochromous Definition Having all the florets in the same flower head of the same color.
- English Word Homodemic Definition A morphological term signifying development, in the case of multicellular organisms, from the same unit deme or unit of the inferior orders of individuality.
- English Word Homodermic Definition Relating to homodermy; originating from the same germ layer.
- English Word Homodermy Definition Homology of the germinal layers.
- English Word Homodont Definition Having all the teeth similar in front, as in the porpoises; -- opposed to heterodont.
- English Word Homodromal Definition Alt. of Homodromous
- English Word Homodromous Definition Running in the same direction; -- said of stems twining round a support, or of the spiral succession of leaves on stems and their branches.
- English Word Homodromous Definition Moving in the same direction; -- said of a lever or pulley in which the resistance and the actuating force are both on the same side of the fulcrum or axis.
- English Word Homodynamic Definition Homodynamous.