HPage 136
- English Word Homely Definition Of plain or coarse features; uncomely; -- contrary to handsome.
- English Word Homely Definition Plainly; rudely; coarsely; as, homely dressed.
- English Word Homelyn Definition The European sand ray (Raia maculata); -- called also home, mirror ray, and rough ray.
- English Word Homemade Definition Made at home; of domestic manufacture; made either in a private family or in one's own country.
- English Word Homeopath Definition A practitioner of homeopathy.
- English Word Homeopathic Definition Of or pertaining to homeopathy; according to the principles of homeopathy.
- English Word Homeopathically Definition According to the practice of homeopathy.
- English Word Homeopathist Definition A believer in, or practitioner of, homeopathy.
- English Word Homeopathy Definition The art of curing, founded on resemblances; the theory and its practice that disease is cured (tuto, cito, et jucunde) by remedies which produce on a healthy person effects similar to the symptoms of the complaint under which the patient suffers, the remedies being usually administered in minute doses. This system was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and is opposed to allopathy, or heteropathy.
- English Word Homer Definition A carrier pigeon remarkable for its ability to return home from a distance.
- English Word Homer Definition See Hoemother.
- English Word Homer Definition A Hebrew measure containing, as a liquid measure, ten baths, equivalent to fifty-five gallons, two quarts, one pint; and, as a dry measure, ten ephahs, equivalent to six bushels, two pecks, four quarts.
- English Word Homeric Definition Of or pertaining to Homer, the most famous of Greek poets; resembling the poetry of Homer.
- English Word Homesick Definition Pining for home; in a nostalgic condition.
- English Word Homespun Definition Spun or wrought at home; of domestic manufacture; coarse; plain.
- English Word Homespun Definition Plain in manner or style; not elegant; rude; coarse.
- English Word Homespun Definition Cloth made at home; as, he was dressed in homespun.
- English Word Homespun Definition An unpolished, rustic person.
- English Word Homestall Definition Place of a home; homestead.
- English Word Homestead Definition The home place; a home and the inclosure or ground immediately connected with it.
- English Word Homestead Definition The home or seat of a family; place of origin.
- English Word Homestead Definition The home and appurtenant land and buildings owned by the head of a family, and occupied by him and his family.
- English Word Homesteader Definition One who has entered upon a portion of the public land with the purpose of acquiring ownership of it under provisions of the homestead law, so called; one who has acquired a homestead in this manner.
- English Word Homeward Definition Being in the direction of home; as, the homeward way.
- English Word Homeward Definition Alt. of Homewards
- English Word Homewards Definition Toward home; in the direction of one's house, town, or country.
- English Word Homicidal Definition Pertaining to homicide; tending to homicide; murderous.
- English Word Homicide Definition The killing of one human being by another.
- English Word Homicide Definition One who kills another; a manslayer.
- English Word Homiform Definition In human form.