HPage 125
- English Word Hochepot Definition Hotchpot.
- English Word Hock Definition A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or still. The name is also given indiscriminately to all Rhenish wines.
- English Word Hock Definition Alt. of Hough
- English Word Hock Definition To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; to hamstring; to hough.
- English Word Hockamore Definition A Rhenish wine. [Obs.] See Hock.
- English Word Hockday Definition A holiday commemorating the expulsion of the Danes, formerly observed on the second Tuesday after Easter; -- called also hocktide.
- English Word Hockey Definition A game in which two parties of players, armed with sticks curved or hooked at the end, attempt to drive any small object (as a ball or a bit of wood) toward opposite goals.
- English Word Hockey Definition The stick used by the players.
- English Word Hockherb Definition The mallow.
- English Word Hockle Definition To hamstring; to hock; to hough.
- English Word Hockle Definition To mow, as stubble.
- English Word Hockled Definition of Hockle
- English Word Hockling Definition of Hockle
- English Word Hocus Definition To deceive or cheat.
- English Word Hocus Definition To adulterate; to drug; as, liquor is said to be hocused for the purpose of stupefying the drinker.
- English Word Hocus Definition To stupefy with drugged liquor.
- English Word Hocus Definition One who cheats or deceives.
- English Word Hocus Definition Drugged liquor.
- English Word Hocuspocus Definition A term used by jugglers in pretended incantations.
- English Word Hocuspocus Definition A juggler or trickster.
- English Word Hocuspocus Definition A juggler's trick; a cheat; nonsense.
- English Word Hocuspocus Definition To cheat.
- English Word Hod Definition A kind of wooden tray with a handle, borne on the shoulder, for carrying mortar, brick, etc.
- English Word Hod Definition A utensil for holding coal; a coal scuttle.
- English Word Hoddengray Definition Applied to coarse cloth made of undyed wool, formerly worn by Scotch peasants.
- English Word Hoddy Definition See Dun crow, under Dun, a.
- English Word Hoddydoddy Definition An awkward or foolish person.
- English Word Hodgepodge Definition A mixed mass; a medley. See Hotchpot.
- English Word Hodgkin's disease Definition A morbid condition characterized by progressive anaemia and enlargement of the lymphatic glands; -- first described by Dr. Hodgkin, an English physician.
- English Word Hodiern Definition Alt. of Hodiernal