HPage 128
- English Word Hogskin Definition Leather tanned from a hog's skin. Also used adjectively.
- English Word Hogsties Definition of Hogsty
- English Word Hogsty Definition A pen, house, or inclosure, for hogs.
- English Word Hogwash Definition Swill.
- English Word Hogweed Definition A common weed (Ambrosia artemisiaege). See Ambrosia, 3.
- English Word Hogweed Definition In England, the Heracleum Sphondylium.
- English Word Hoiden Definition A rude, clownish youth.
- English Word Hoiden Definition A rude, bold girl; a romp.
- English Word Hoiden Definition Rustic; rude; bold.
- English Word Hoiden Definition To romp rudely or indecently.
- English Word Hoidenhood Definition State of being a hoiden.
- English Word Hoidenish Definition Like, or appropriate to, a hoiden.
- English Word Hoise Definition To hoist.
- English Word Hoist Definition To raise; to lift; to elevate; esp., to raise or lift to a desired elevation, by means of tackle, as a sail, a flag, a heavy package or weight.
- English Word Hoist Definition That by which anything is hoisted; the apparatus for lifting goods.
- English Word Hoist Definition The act of hoisting; a lift.
- English Word Hoist Definition The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal length when flying from a staff.
- English Word Hoist Definition The height of a fore-and-aft sail next the mast or stay.
- English Word Hoist Definition Hoisted.
- English Word Hoistaway Definition A mechanical lift. See Elevator.
- English Word Hoisted Definition of Hoist
- English Word Hoisting Definition of Hoist
- English Word Hoistway Definition An opening for the hoist, or elevator, in the floor of a wareroom.
- English Word Hoit Definition To leap; to caper; to romp noisily.
- English Word Hoity-toity Definition Thoughtless; giddy; flighty; also, haughty; patronizing; as, to be in hoity-toity spirits, or to assume hoity-toity airs; used also as an exclamation, denoting surprise or disapprobation, with some degree of contempt.
- English Word Hokeday Definition Same as Hockday.
- English Word Hoker Definition Scorn; derision; abusive talk.
- English Word Hol Definition Whole.
- English Word Holaspidean Definition Having a single series of large scutes on the posterior side of the tarsus; -- said of certain birds.
- English Word Holcad Definition A large ship of burden, in ancient Greece.