HPage 123
- English Word Hoary Definition White or gray with age; hoar; as, hoary hairs.
- English Word Hoary Definition remote in time past; as, hoary antiquity.
- English Word Hoary Definition Moldy; mossy; musty.
- English Word Hoary Definition Of a pale silvery gray.
- English Word Hoary Definition Covered with short, dense, grayish white hairs; canescent.
- English Word Hoatzin Definition Same as Hoazin.
- English Word Hoax Definition A deception for mockery or mischief; a deceptive trick or story; a practical joke.
- English Word Hoax Definition To deceive by a story or a trick, for sport or mischief; to impose upon sportively.
- English Word Hoaxed Definition of Hoax
- English Word Hoaxer Definition One who hoaxes.
- English Word Hoaxing Definition of Hoax
- English Word Hoazin Definition A remarkable South American bird (Opisthocomus cristatus); the crested touraco. By some zoologists it is made the type of a distinct order (Opisthocomi).
- English Word Hob Definition The hub of a wheel. See Hub.
- English Word Hob Definition The flat projection or iron shelf at the side of a fire grate, where things are put to be kept warm.
- English Word Hob Definition A threaded and fluted hardened steel cutter, resembling a tap, used in a lathe for forming the teeth of screw chasers, worm wheels, etc.
- English Word Hob Definition A fairy; a sprite; an elf.
- English Word Hob Definition A countryman; a rustic; a clown.
- English Word Hobandnob Definition Same as Hobnob.
- English Word Hobanob Definition Alt. of Hobandnob
- English Word Hobbies Definition of Hobby
- English Word Hobbism Definition The philosophical system of Thomas Hobbes, an English materialist (1588-1679); esp., his political theory that the most perfect form of civil government is an absolute monarchy with despotic control over everything relating to law, morals, and religion.
- English Word Hobbist Definition One who accepts the doctrines of Thomas Hobbes.
- English Word Hobble Definition To walk lame, bearing chiefly on one leg; to walk with a hitch or hop, or with crutches.
- English Word Hobble Definition To move roughly or irregularly; -- said of style in writing.
- English Word Hobble Definition To fetter by tying the legs; to hopple; to clog.
- English Word Hobble Definition To perplex; to embarrass.
- English Word Hobble Definition An unequal gait; a limp; a halt; as, he has a hobble in his gait.
- English Word Hobble Definition Same as Hopple.
- English Word Hobble Definition Difficulty; perplexity; embarrassment.
- English Word Hobblebush Definition A low bush (Viburnum lantanoides) having long, straggling branches and handsome flowers. It is found in the Northern United States. Called also shinhopple.