HPage 121
- English Word Hitched Definition of Hitch
- English Word Hitchel Definition See Hatchel.
- English Word Hitching Definition of Hitch
- English Word Hithe Definition A port or small haven; -- used in composition; as, Lambhithe, now Lambeth.
- English Word Hither Definition To this place; -- used with verbs signifying motion, and implying motion toward the speaker; correlate of hence and thither; as, to come or bring hither.
- English Word Hither Definition To this point, source, conclusion, design, etc.; -- in a sense not physical.
- English Word Hither Definition Being on the side next or toward the person speaking; nearer; -- correlate of thither and farther; as, on the hither side of a hill.
- English Word Hither Definition Applied to time: On the hither side of, younger than; of fewer years than.
- English Word Hithermost Definition Nearest on this side.
- English Word Hitherto Definition To this place; to a prescribed limit.
- English Word Hitherto Definition Up to this time; as yet; until now.
- English Word Hitherward Definition Toward this place; hither.
- English Word Hitter Definition One who hits or strikes; as, a hard hitter.
- English Word Hitting Definition of Hit
- English Word Hive Definition A box, basket, or other structure, for the reception and habitation of a swarm of honeybees.
- English Word Hive Definition The bees of one hive; a swarm of bees.
- English Word Hive Definition A place swarming with busy occupants; a crowd.
- English Word Hive Definition To collect into a hive; to place in, or cause to enter, a hive; as, to hive a swarm of bees.
- English Word Hive Definition To store up in a hive, as honey; hence, to gather and accumulate for future need; to lay up in store.
- English Word Hive Definition To take shelter or lodgings together; to reside in a collective body.
- English Word Hived Definition of Hive
- English Word Hiveless Definition Destitute of a hive.
- English Word Hiver Definition One who collects bees into a hive.
- English Word Hives Definition The croup.
- English Word Hives Definition An eruptive disease (Varicella globularis), allied to the chicken pox.
- English Word Hiving Definition of Hive
- English Word Hizz Definition To hiss.
- English Word Ho Definition Who.
- English Word Ho Definition Alt. of Hoa
- English Word Ho Definition Alt. of Hoa