EPage 85
- English Word Enchanting Definition Having a power of enchantment; charming; fascinating.
- English Word Enchantment Definition The act of enchanting; the production of certain wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or the agency of supposed spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms; incantation.
- English Word Enchantment Definition The effect produced by the act; the state of being enchanted; as, to break an enchantment.
- English Word Enchantment Definition That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence or power which fascinates or highly delights.
- English Word Enchantress Definition A woman versed in magical arts; a sorceress; also, a woman who fascinates.
- English Word Encharge Definition To charge (with); to impose (a charge) upon.
- English Word Encharge Definition A charge.
- English Word Encharged Definition of Encharge
- English Word Encharging Definition of Encharge
- English Word Enchase Definition To incase or inclose in a border or rim; to surround with an ornamental casing, as a gem with gold; to encircle; to inclose; to adorn.
- English Word Enchase Definition To chase; to ornament by embossing or engraving; as, to enchase a watch case.
- English Word Enchase Definition To delineate or describe, as by writing.
- English Word Enchased Definition of Enchase
- English Word Enchaser Definition One who enchases.
- English Word Enchasing Definition of Enchase
- English Word Enchasten Definition To chasten.
- English Word Encheason Definition Occasion, cause, or reason.
- English Word Encheson Definition Alt. of Encheason
- English Word Enchest Definition To inclose in a chest.
- English Word Enchiridion Definition Handbook; a manual of devotions.
- English Word Enchisel Definition To cut with a chisel.
- English Word Enchodus Definition A genus of extinct Cretaceous fishes; -- so named from their spear-shaped teeth. They were allied to the pike (Esox).
- English Word Enchondroma Definition A cartilaginous tumor growing from the interior of a bone.
- English Word Enchorial Definition Alt. of Enchoric
- English Word Enchoric Definition Belonging to, or used in, a country; native; domestic; popular; common; -- said especially of the written characters employed by the common people of ancient Egypt, in distinction from the hieroglyphics. See Demotic.
- English Word Enchylemma Definition The basal substance of the cell nucleus; a hyaline or granular substance, more or less fluid during life, in which the other parts of the nucleus are imbedded.
- English Word Enchyma Definition The primitive formative juice, from which the tissues, particularly the cellular tissue, are formed.
- English Word Encincture Definition A cincture.
- English Word Encindered Definition Burnt to cinders.
- English Word Encircle Definition To form a circle about; to inclose within a circle or ring; to surround; as, to encircle one in the arms; the army encircled the city.