EPage 86
- English Word Encircled Definition of Encircle
- English Word Encirclet Definition A small circle; a ring.
- English Word Encircling Definition of Encircle
- English Word Enclasp Definition To clasp. See Inclasp.
- English Word Enclave Definition A tract of land or a territory inclosed within another territory of which it is independent. See Exclave.
- English Word Enclave Definition To inclose within an alien territory.
- English Word Enclavement Definition The state of being an enclave.
- English Word Enclitic Definition Alt. of Enclitical
- English Word Enclitic Definition A word which is joined to another so closely as to lose its proper accent, as the pronoun thee in prithee (pray thee).
- English Word Enclitical Definition Affixed; subjoined; -- said of a word or particle which leans back upon the preceding word so as to become a part of it, and to lose its own independent accent, generally varying also the accent of the preceding word.
- English Word Enclitically Definition In an enclitic manner; by throwing the accent back.
- English Word Enclitics Definition The art of declining and conjugating words.
- English Word Encloister Definition To shut up in a cloister; to cloister.
- English Word Enclose Definition To inclose. See Inclose.
- English Word Enclosure Definition Inclosure. See Inclosure.
- English Word Enclothe Definition To clothe.
- English Word Encloud Definition To envelop in clouds; to cloud.
- English Word Encoach Definition To carry in a coach.
- English Word Encoffin Definition To put in a coffin.
- English Word Encolden Definition To render cold.
- English Word Encollar Definition To furnish or surround with a collar.
- English Word Encolor Definition To color.
- English Word Encolure Definition The neck of horse.
- English Word Encomber Definition See Encumber.
- English Word Encomberment Definition Hindrance; molestation.
- English Word Encomiast Definition One who praises; a panegyrist.
- English Word Encomiastic Definition Alt. of Encomiastical
- English Word Encomiastic Definition A panegyric.
- English Word Encomiastical Definition Bestowing praise; praising; eulogistic; laudatory; as, an encomiastic address or discourse.
- English Word Encomion Definition Encomium; panegyric.