EPage 88
- English Word Encrease Definition i. [Obs.] See Increase.
- English Word Encrimson Definition To give a crimson or red color to; to crimson.
- English Word Encrinal Definition Alt. of Encrinital
- English Word Encrini Definition of Encrinus
- English Word Encrinic Definition Alt. of Encrinital
- English Word Encrinital Definition Relating to encrinites; containing encrinites, as certain kinds of limestone.
- English Word Encrinite Definition A fossil crinoid, esp. one belonging to, or resembling, the genus Encrinus. Sometimes used in a general sense for any crinoid.
- English Word Encrinitic Definition Alt. of Encrinitical
- English Word Encrinitical Definition Pertaining to encrinites; encrinal.
- English Word Encrinoidea Definition That order of the Crinoidea which includes most of the living and many fossil forms, having jointed arms around the margin of the oral disk; -- also called Brachiata and Articulata. See Illusts. under Comatula and Crinoidea.
- English Word Encrinus Definition A genus of fossil encrinoidea, from the Mesozoic rocks.
- English Word Encrisped Definition Curled.
- English Word Encroach Definition To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- commonly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway.
- English Word Encroach Definition Encroachment.
- English Word Encroached Definition of Encroach
- English Word Encroacher Definition One who by gradual steps enters on, and takes possession of, what is not his own.
- English Word Encroaching Definition of Encroach
- English Word Encroachingly Definition By way of encroachment.
- English Word Encroachment Definition The act of entering gradually or silently upon the rights or possessions of another; unlawful intrusion.
- English Word Encroachment Definition That which is taken by encroaching on another.
- English Word Encroachment Definition An unlawful diminution of the possessions of another.
- English Word Encrust Definition To incrust. See Incrust.
- English Word Encrustment Definition That which is formed as a crust; incrustment; incrustation.
- English Word Encumber Definition To impede the motion or action of, as with a burden; to retard with something superfluous; to weigh down; to obstruct or embarrass; as, his movements were encumbered by his mantle; his mind is encumbered with useless learning.
- English Word Encumber Definition To load with debts, or other legal claims; as, to encumber an estate with mortgages.
- English Word Encumbered Definition of Encumber
- English Word Encumbering Definition of Encumber
- English Word Encumberment Definition Encumbrance.
- English Word Encumbrance Definition That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See Incumbrance.
- English Word Encumbrance Definition Same as Incumbrance.