EPage 82
- English Word Enamel Definition To variegate with colors as if with enamel.
- English Word Enamel Definition To form a glossy surface like enamel upon; as, to enamel card paper; to enamel leather or cloth.
- English Word Enamel Definition To disguise with cosmetics, as a woman's complexion.
- English Word Enamel Definition To practice the art of enameling.
- English Word Enamel Definition Relating to the art of enameling; as, enamel painting.
- English Word Enamelar Definition Consisting of enamel; resembling enamel; smooth; glossy.
- English Word Enameled Definition of Enamel
- English Word Enameled Definition Coated or adorned with enamel; having a glossy or variegated surface; glazed.
- English Word Enameler Definition Alt. of Enamelist
- English Word Enameling Definition of Enamel
- English Word Enamelist Definition One who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work.
- English Word Enamelled Definition of Enamel
- English Word Enamelling Definition of Enamel
- English Word Enamor Definition To inflame with love; to charm; to captivate; -- with of, or with, before the person or thing; as, to be enamored with a lady; to be enamored of books or science.
- English Word Enamored Definition of Enamor
- English Word Enamoring Definition of Enamor
- English Word Enamorment Definition The state of being enamored.
- English Word Enantiomorphous Definition Similar, but not superposable, i. e., related to each other as a right-handed to a left-handed glove; -- said of certain hemihedral crystals.
- English Word Enantiopathic Definition Serving to palliate; palliative.
- English Word Enantiopathy Definition An opposite passion or affection.
- English Word Enantiopathy Definition Allopathy; -- a term used by followers of Hahnemann, or homeopathists.
- English Word Enantiosis Definition A figure of speech by which what is to be understood affirmatively is stated negatively, and the contrary; affirmation by contraries.
- English Word Enarch Definition To arch.
- English Word Enarched Definition Bent into a curve; -- said of a bend or other ordinary.
- English Word Enargite Definition An iron-black mineral of metallic luster, occurring in small orthorhombic crystals, also massive. It contains sulphur, arsenic, copper, and often silver.
- English Word Enarmed Definition Same as Armed, 3.
- English Word Enarration Definition A detailed exposition; relation.
- English Word Enarthrodia Definition See Enarthrosis.
- English Word Enarthrosis Definition A ball and socket joint, or the kind of articulation represented by such a joint. See Articulation.
- English Word Enascent Definition Coming into being; nascent.